A Lesson in Humility and Guidance to Avoid Pitfalls

SPIRIT:             Isaiah
MEDIUM:        Al Fike
DATE:               January 29, 2025
LOCATION:     St Michael, Barbados

May the great blessings of God’s Love be yours for eternity. I am Isaiah. Those who are dedicated and faithful shall be rewarded. Those who put God before all other things shall be rewarded and blessed accordingly. For when you place your faith, your thoughts, your ambitions and your desires with God, then you seek the highest. You seek to be blessed by the Divine Love, the Essence of God.

In this, all things shall fall away that are not in harmony with this gift and all things shall be drawn to you and come to you that are in harmony with this gift. The Will of God shall be a part of you and your will. The desire of God to bring Love to this world will be your ambition. The efforts made to bring light to this world will be a part of your efforts. The journey toward truth will be your journey. The soul shall open like a flower, blooming in the radiant Love of God. You will be transformed.

You shall know your Creator as your friend, as your Rock and Source of all that you require in your life. God does not just give you limited resources and opportunities. God gives to you everything. God opens the door to all possibilities. God allows you to grow, to experiment and even to challenge the truth. For God has given you all of these faculties, whether it be the material mind, the spirit mind and the soul mind, all of these levels of awareness and consciousness. God has given these things to you to utilise and to exploit to the fullest, so that you might know your way, not only on this material world but in the spirit world, as you ascend to the gates of heaven.

Do not negate any part of who you are, but seek for purity and harmony within. Seek to be fully realised within your soul and your spirit. Seek to be in harmony with your bodies and your minds. Seek all that which God intends for you to have. In this way, you will know the glories, the wonderment and the joy of a soul fulfilled in Love, a heart filled with joy and a mind filled with truth, compassion and love. There is so much for you yet to explore and to exploit. You are merely a fraction of what you can be. You are merely stepping your foot forward upon an eternal path.

As you continue to grow, as you continue to culture humility, as you continue to see from that balanced perspective of soul wisdom and mindful awareness, then you will grow, learn and become that beautiful being that God created. If you can do this while you are on this earthly plane, then all the better, for God needs instruments in this world, desperately needs them as there are very few indeed. We spend copious amounts of time, effort, prayer and love, all that is of light, to uphold you. I think, at times, your mind believes that these benefits, these blessings, are of your own making. This is a human consideration. In truth, most of your progress, your upliftment and that which you have been successful with may be accredited to God’s blessings and the angels’ presence.

If you were to be left to your own resources, you would inevitably fail, for you are nowhere near that exalted place of wisdom and soul development that would carry you through even for a single day. You are vulnerable. You are delicate. You are not as strong as you think. When you elicit the help of the angels and the blessings of God, when you choose light, when you are in light, then you are strong and formidable. But, remember, those things that you accomplish in a spiritual way are not truly of your own doing. They are the blessings of God upon you, the strength of the angels that surround you and the protection that is given, the light that is shed and glows all about you.

Be humble, beloved souls. Be humble and graceful. Be cognisant of your patterns of behaviour, your words and your approach, for the greatest impediment to our work is the willful mind and the attitudes and opinions that come from that mind. Often, they are not of love, but a result of hard-earned accomplishments in a material sense and material growth. We urge you and we continue to guide you upon a path where these particular accomplishments are not the primary motivation or foundation for your work. Indeed, they bring certain passageways, certain expressions of your gifts and your insights and even your purpose, as they are not the rudimentary expressions that are required. You must come to know the wisdom and knowledge of your soul, and that comes with humility and with deep desire to know.

When you see yourself pushing forward in mindful ways, I urge you to hesitate, to step back slightly, to observe and to correct. For we cannot correct for you. We can only guide you and suggest ways in which you might do this. It is for you, beloved souls, to accomplish this task, to look at yourselves with the eye of truth and accept what you see. When you see something that you know within your heart and soul is not of love and not harmonious with God’s Laws of Love, then you must correct. You must withdraw that desire to be strong of mind and ego, to be strong of purpose and expression that centres in the mind.

Instead, see yourselves as the children of God. See yourselves stepping forward in humility. See yourselves yearning for, praying for and drawing to you the beautiful grace of God and light all around. In this way, you will ensure our presence. You will ensure the blessings of God and knowledge of God within you. You will ensure that you will walk in light and harmony in the world, not offending and not telling others what you believe is the truth. That truth has many different sources from your mind, your opinions and your perceptions.

Rather, allow God to put the words on your lips. Allow God to infuse you with Love, grace and Truth so that wisdom may come through and from you so to to bless others. That you may walk a road that is guided by God, intended by God. That you may find your place within that great expression of God’s Will and plan, becoming purposeful and powerful, not in the way that you may envision with your material mind, but in the way that God envisions and the way that God intends. In this way, you will become more powerful in truth. You will become more convincing. You will impress others in a deeper way, in a way that will penetrate their soul. This is what is intended. This is what you are striving for.

In many cases and in many ways, though you think you have successfully done God’s work in the purity and grace that I speak of, it has been deeply tainted by mindful desires, needs, intentions and opinions. It is time for you to grow, my beloved friends, and to be humble. It is time for you to be introspective and consider. It is time for you to step gracefully and tenderly as you express yourselves as an instrument of God’s Will and God’s plan. You are merely learning and you are very young. Do not get ahead of yourselves, believing that because you have impressed something upon another and your efforts have been rewarded in this way, that this is the full picture.

Also, consider that you have many, many spirits who surround you at all times, observing you intently. Your daily behaviour is an important example. Even when you feel you are alone, even when you think you are among friends and can relax and, as you say, be yourself, know that, in truth, you are not alone. Indeed, you must be yourself. You must be authentic, as you have talked about, but in that higher way, in that loving way, in that glorious way of the soul. Then, you become firmly entrenched upon the Divine Path. You come closer to God, closer to us and closer to your purpose.

I urge you to heed my words. Some of you have difficulty listening to things that are challenging to your mind and your ego. Some of you are very compliant with the ways of God. Which one are you, beloved souls? Which one is in harmony with God? None of you are completely in harmony with God, but some are closer than others. When you see one who is, observe them. See their ways. Maybe they are quiet. They do not argue. They do not fuel your arguments or opinions. Maybe they are joyful. Maybe they are simple in their ways. These are indications of wisdom and grace.

For those who value their own opinions and who are strong in their ways of expressing ideas, think of how you might soften these things and how they may be transformed into wisdom, grace, light and love. This is your challenge, beloved brothers and sisters. This is your challenge. I speak plainly and in a way that challenges. But, I see that each of you, in your own way, is capable of this. It is time to step forward in these ways. It is time that humility takes a front seat as you navigate life. Though you may not be respected by those who value power, control and knowledge of the material mind, God will be joyed at your graceful presence in the world.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Isaiah and I love you all. I feel compassion for your struggles. I see your humanness. Though I have long been a Celestial spirit, I still remember my days and my struggles on the earthly plane. Like a parent who loves their child, I wish to direct you and to help you avoid some of these pitfalls and situations that are all too part of the human condition. I am close. I am with you, my friends, in support and love. God bless you. God bless you all.