SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: March 01, 2025
… in need of your gifts, beloved souls. I am Orion. I come again to speak, to encourage and to teach. Each of you has progressed greatly since we have begun these times together. Each of you is sincere in your efforts. Each of you continues to expedite and bring forward the gifts that you carry and to express them as best you can. Yet, there is much more needed. There are much greater potentials yet to be explored and to be expressed.
I come to encourage you to be somewhat introspective about these matters and, indeed, to discover and to encourage the ways of your soul that will lead you to the understandings of which I speak. Most often, you travel a road that is guided by your mind, the expectations within your mind, the ideas, the biases and the desires of the mind. I refer to the material mind in this regard. This leads you along a path that is restricted by those limitations. You often do not go any further than this because there is great satisfaction in acknowledging and reinforcing these ideas that are inherent within you.
Your identity is often wrapped around what you do and how you are in the world. The expression of your gifts must comply with what your mind believes is acceptable and what you might call in harmony. Yet, much of what you could do, many of the possibilities that are inherent within you, and I speak of that deeper part, are not being acknowledged well. They rise up from your soul consciousness and are filtered by the mind of the spirit and the mind of the material. This consciousness predominates. It limits what was truly pure and of God, coming from your soul. It is now something that has been reshaped and reformed in the image of your liking and your biases.
Thus, we are encouraging you to go deeper into your soul. I know that you are making efforts to do so and that those efforts have not gone wasted or unheeded. They have brought a measure of understanding and of experience within your consciousness. It is time to dig deeper, beloved souls. It is time to truly see how the mechanisms and patterns of your mind limit your instrumentality. This dear and beautiful soul has prayed to be used as God’s channel and instrument in all the ways that are possible. It is a beautiful prayer and desire. I want for all of you to have this as a true and meaningful desire within you.
This will mean, however, that you must be willing to give up the old patterns and the old ways of thought. This is often a very difficult task indeed for you upon the earthly plane, where thought is king. Thought rules. Thought is everything. The thought of the material mind is prolific. It continues to guide your way and inform your experiences. Yet, as we have told you, and I know that you are aware of this, that this is but one aspect of your being and one experience that you have in life. There is much more to know and experience as you live your life, day by day.
I ask you to put these experiences of the mind in their rightful place and to amalgamate the experiences of your soul and your spirit with your mind in such a way that the picture has more clarity and more depth. When you are able to do this well, then, as you have prayed for, to enter into the world as a true instrument of God, one who brings truth and demonstrates truth, will be accomplished and expressed well.
You, my beloved and beautiful friends, are seeking this way of being, this true self emerging and becoming dominant. As you continue to reinforce the patterns of the mind, as you continue to honour all that the mind wants and needs, then you are obstructing the higher thoughts, the higher perceptions and experiences that come deep within you. You often do this without thinking and that I say with a bit of a chuckle. Yet, indeed, it is true. Your thoughts go about their business without your control or even awareness. Your patterns repeat themselves multiple times in a day. Your perceptions are more focused upon the five senses than they are on those deeper senses. The conclusions that you come to, the experiences that you have, are reinforced and expressed through the upper levels of your brain, the material consciousness that lies within those parts.
Yet, you know that the mind is far more complex and deeper than this. Indeed, you come to God in prayer and you try to open those parts, aspects, and avenues of experience and communication. You must come to open these things as a reflex, as an integral part of you as your breathing, your moving and everything you do in your life. It takes practice. It takes a form of determination and of desire to do so. It takes discipline, at least in the beginning. Once that road has been established and you are comfortable with it, then it will come much easier to you. It will be as easy as breathing.
We will help you and assist you in this. You have much help in this regard, but you must make this a priority. You must first see how you obstruct your own being in its experience of life and to acknowledge those parts of you that are dominating other parts. We desire that there be a balance, a harmony within you, a true expression of the capacities, gifts and faculties, not only of the material mind but of all your minds combined and working together to unlock the mysteries, to bring forth the awarenesses and understandings that foster truth and a true way of being in the world.
If you can accomplish this, then all the gifts that you pray for, these manifestations will come easily. If you continue on in your everyday life, in your everyday way, then the limitations will continue to ensure that much of what you pray for cannot be accomplished. It takes a great leap of faith indeed to walk this path fully and to understand clearly what it is that you have dedicated yourself to. To be that soul awakened is to be like those who have gone before you and have come to that place that is different, that is not of the norm and that is not particularly of the material plane.
Many of those individuals were scorned, removed and thought of as mentally unstable. Those who survived were the ones who were quiet, who lived a life that was in harmony with God and who were often cloistered. This is not what we want of you, beloved and beautiful friends, for the world is now a more open place. Indeed, there are many who are mentally unbalanced who have power in your world. This is an unfortunate state of affairs, but it is true that there is much disharmony and a freedom of expression that brings those who crave power and have a deep desire to control gives to them free rein.
This, of course, is not your desire, nor could it be, considering that within your soul is the great gift of Divine Love which, in its way, no matter how your brain is functioning, will dictate the morals and laws that you must live by. In this topsy-turvy world of yours, the possibility of living out a life that is in harmony with the Laws of Love, the Laws of Creation and the laws of the soul has a greater possibility now than ever before. The standard rules and expectations have evaporated and been transformed into something rather chaotic. Yet, these situations can be taken advantage of. You may go about your day as you wish, though those close to you may have concerns. If you are at peace with your life, if you live your life in a loving and beautiful way, who could have concerns for this?
Indeed, there are many challenges for you, my friends. I know I bring them one after another. I express concerns. I bring guidance and teachings to you to help you understand. I wish I could uplift you to the point where you could bypass these struggles, but as you well know, the world does not operate in this way. This is not part of God’s Laws of Progression. Yet, we are there to uphold you, to protect you, to guide you, to bring our love into your lives, to bring our wisdom into your thoughts and to bring our light to surround your light.
God gives you many, many blessings. May you find your way upon this path so unlike any others, so challenging compared to many other paths and ways of being. Yet, each of you has struggled thus far and walk upon the road less travelled. Thus, you are strong and dedicated. You are faithful and you trust. This is all that we need of you, beloved souls, in terms of your relationship with us and your angel friends. What you require of yourself is a much different thing indeed. You must work hard, struggling to overcome, struggling to look and struggling to be in harmony with God. This is a daily challenge and one that is somewhat contradictory, for when we say work, we mean that you must allow the workings of your soul to predominate your life. The work comes with quelling the resistance within you to do this. This is where the exertion lies. The mind continues to push and insist.
We will help you with this, my friends. As much as we can, we shall. May you continue to find the peace that passes all understanding. May you continue to be strong in your spirituality, in your soulful nature, in your awakening and in your relationship with your Creator, who brings that awakening to you. If you are in this mode of expression, of being, then you have won half the battle. Indeed, you will continue to make great strides and progress upon the road of transforming yourself from that which is of the human and mundane nature of life to something extraordinary, beautiful and truly of the soul.
May you be blessed upon this journey, my beloved friends. I am Orion and I love you. I love you dearly, for what beautiful light resides within you. May it be expressed in all the fullness of your being. God bless you.
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