Examine Your Mindful Distortions Before You Claim to be Instruments of God

SPIRIT: Tahlia (Guidance)
DATE: February 27, 2025

You need to be strong, beloved souls. You need to be forthright. You need not let the influences and misdirections of your mind dictate your actions. Each individual who claims to be guided by God, to be guided by the influence of their own soul in relationship with God, must realise that that guidance, those inclinations, are always influenced by the mind and the biases of the mind.

Be humble, my beloved friends, when you judge others. Realise that every one of you upon this world of yours has a level of misguidance, misdirection and misunderstanding that comes from your own realisations of God’s guidance for you. It is important for each one of you to be introspective and to see more clearly, with greater discernment and greater wisdom, what it is that God has in mind for you as His instruments.

Indeed, you are human and flawed. There are many pitfalls, but within your soul is a deep commitment to follow God’s Will, to express His plan and to be that instrument as part of this plan. If you are to truly be in alignment with the inclinations of your soul, then look at your own thinking, your thought processes and the patterns of your assessment, judgment and experience of the world. All these things are jumbled together in what you believe is your guidance. All these things have their part to play in bringing you to a place of assessment and realisation of guidance.

It is important that you look, that you are introspective and that you continue to pray and seek the development of your soul, the awakening of your soul in God’s Love. That way, you will have greater compassion, insight and love for yourself and for others. You, by being humble, might actually come to the truth in its purity, come to God’s wisdom and Will in its intent, without obscuring and obfuscating these things with your own mindful intentions.

This is a challenge, I know. It is difficult. It is sometimes almost impossible. Yet, for you to be God’s instruments, for you to declare this, for you to say, “I wish to serve. I wish to do Your work, Your Will in this world,” then it is not as easy as declaring yourself as part of a group that has this intention. It goes far deeper than that. It requires you to be sincere and honest with yourself. It is important for you to see how you may distort the Will of God within you and to ask to be shown. We are all too happy to help you to see your way through these things, this minefield, this forest of thought that continues to misguide and misdirect. It is your will, beloved souls, that will determine the outcome. It is how you approach the guidance that God gives you. It is how you do so in love, acknowledging God’s Will and seeing this as the higher road to travel.

I am Tahlia. I have come because I think you need more direct guidance and more direct assessment of your behaviour. I am here as a strength and a pillar of truth and will help you come to truth. This is not often an easy task, but something that requires great diligence, prayer, faith and desire. Be along that road of truth, my beloved friends. You will have powerful friends by your side, friends who will bring you to truth, no matter how difficult that might be to see, to acknowledge and to accept. I am close. I am here to help and I love you all. Sometimes love is rather forceful and direct, but indeed, love is the way to harmony. Love is the way to greater light. Love is the way to truth.

God bless you, my friends. I am Tahlia. My love is with you. God bless you.

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