Encourages Us in Service to God

SPIRIT: Barbara Davies (Guidance)
DATE: February 25, 2025

May God’s Love fill your soul to overflowing. I am Barbara. I come to pray with you today. I have prayed with you often. I want to assure you that every time you pray, every time you set up a prayer for God’s Love, you bring a little bit of light into this world of yours. You bring further light into yourself. How important that is. No matter who you are, where you are, or what your life is like, this is a constant in your life that you can rely upon and that you can ask and receive this blessing.

When I lived upon the Earth, and it was not that long ago, I lived in one of the richest cities in the world. Fresh, new and gleaming in the sunlight, one would not think that deprivation and poverty existed there, but it did. It did in the corners and the crevices of this city that some of you call home. Yet, amongst all the wealth and amongst all the poverty, there was a darkness and an ignorance that existed there, as it does today, as it does around the world, a terrible ignorance of the truth. Those who were wealthy and comfortable could shield themselves from the misery of poverty and deprivation, but they could not shield themselves from the deprivation of their own hearts and their own minds that sought after material gain and pleasure but did not know the true purpose of life.

Often, those I met who were in the conditions of poverty had greater wisdom than those who were in wealth, for their suffering and deprivation brought them often to God. God often brought me to them. Answering prayers, that was my life. Answering with love, answering with upliftment, support and with material and spiritual. That is what I dedicated my life to. I have no regrets, for it was, one could say, a very interesting journey, one that brought me not only to those beautiful souls of light who were in need materially, but to those who were leaders in the world and those who were beautiful lights helping to uplift the world.

God led me to very many places and to very many people. I was very blessed to have that experience and to be led by God as I was. It is not that I was a unique individual, someone special or above all. No, I was just like you, seeking the light and seeking to serve God. In my prayers and my desires, God answered by putting me in situations and positions where I could help, where I could guide and where I could teach.

You, my beautiful friends, could do as I have done. It does not take great gifts, abilities and wealth. No, it merely takes desire, intention and prayer. If this is your desire, to serve your brothers and sisters, then God will guide you to that opportunity each and every day. If you wish to bring love, then you must be in a place where love is needed and where love can flow.

Even though I was very sensitive and had difficulties with the earthly conditions, I plucked up my courage and set out into the world guided by my Heavenly Father, set to being an instrument, a channel of love, set to bringing food where those in need were hungry, set to bringing love to everyone, set to bringing wisdom and truth to those who would listen. As a result of my efforts and ministrations, the angels were with me. God’s blessings were upon me, only because I listened to the guidance given and I was willing to serve.

As the Love of the Heavenly Father continued to flow into my soul, I could see nothing but the opportunity to serve humanity. When you truly feel the Love of God, that Love expands and extends out to everyone. Although I was human and I had my failings and, at times, my judgments, most of the time I was a light, an instrument for God. I want to encourage each one of you to also be that instrument.

I am not suggesting that you do exactly as I have done, but it is important that you are willing and that you put yourself in the flow of God’s Will and act upon it each day. God will take you to surprising places and have you meet surprising individuals, wonderful souls, beautiful children of God. Do not let your attitudes, your mindful biases, your fears and your doubts hold you back from being an instrument for God. If you are willing, a whole treasure house of experience, blessings and souls to meet will be yours.

I pray for each one of you to find your way as God’s instruments. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone has gifts to share. Everyone can be open to God’s guidance. As you know the great Truth of God’s Love, then you are open to the highest gift of all and the highest guidance that shall benefit all. Be that channel for God. Be that beautiful light in the world. In this way, you will attract angels by your side and God’s Touch upon your soul. Many will benefit by you and your efforts to serve in love.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Barbara and I love you. Be love. Express love. Be a light. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.

2025-02-25-AF-Barbara Davies (G)