SPIRIT: Joan of Arc (Guidance)
DATE: February 21, 2025
No matter what might happen in your world, this physical place in which you live, indeed, it has been your prayer that the solidity, stalwartness and power of the Divine Love might steady and make you secure within your life. I am Joan, Joan of Arc, as you know me. I dealt with many difficulties while I was on Earth. I had many trials and tribulations, but it was my faith that held me steady in the world.
I pray for you, beloved souls, that you may be steadied by the Hand of God, that you may be guided and uplifted by this Hand, this force of the Soul of God, conveyed by the Holy Spirit and this force of Love that is manifest by your angel friends. These things are resources that few understand or take advantage of, but you, beloved souls, truly are in alignment with these things. Thus, the strength that you carry, the capacity you have to be a true instrument of God, is great.
You must listen to God’s guidance. You must listen to the soul that is within you, for there lie the answers to any dilemmas you may have and any situations that you may cross in your life. Solutions are available, blessings are abundant. Wisdom comes to you from a soul that has been renewed by love, from your mind that is seeking and will continue to seek alignment with your soul. These things work together, this alignment of your being in the harmony and grace of God’s Touch. They are given by the Hand of God, the Love of God, touching deeply within, showing you the way beyond the musings of the mind and the fears that may erupt therein, to that place of peace, that place of strength, that place of harmony. The Father’s Love brings all these things to you and much more.
I urge you to seek the grace of God as we pray together, that you may see for yourself, unequivocally, unabashedly, the great power of God and His Touch upon you. That you may not deny these things but continue to feed the truth that grows within your soul, that you may awaken more fully to this truth, that you may awaken more fully to the power of love and the expression of love. As you do so, you become the example for others. You become a true force for God to bring change that is harmonious, to bring blessings that uplift and to bring love and comfort to many.
Be that instrument, beloved and beautiful friends. Be true to God’s Will and true to God’s plan. You will find yourself upon a road that will indeed surprise you. Many unexpected blessings and manifestations will occur. For when you are guided by God, you take the road less travelled. Rather than plan and determine your direction and your expression, with your faith in God’s plan and Will, you will follow a road that God designates and that God gifts to you as a true blessing, where you may walk amongst humanity and be a true channel of light and love for those you touch and for those you pass by.
This is God’s plan for you. How it is manifest is not for you to determine and know beforehand, but to put one foot in front of the other in faith and allow God’s Will to manifest in such a way that all is in harmony and light, all that is purposeful and effective, as you touch and connect and love your brothers and sisters with each moment and each day that passes. God has an individual plan for each one of you and all who are willing to subscribe to God’s Will. You are upon a path less travelled. You are that beautiful light, that beautiful expression of a soul redeemed by God’s Love.
Continue on your path, beloveds. Be that individual that turns the heads of those who are acquiescent and lost but are seeking, for they will feel the power, the beauty and the blessings of the Father’s Love glowing and expressing through you, all around you. Be that beautiful instrument, beloved souls. You will find great fulfilment and many blessings as you travel forth in the world.
God bless you. I am Joan. My love is with you, beloved souls, truly. My love is with you and my support and my prayers. God bless you. God bless you all in His Love, always.
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