Dissolving the Tyranny of our Mind is Essential for Soul Consciousness

SPIRIT: Orion (Teaching)
DATE: February 15, 2025

May the blessing of our Creator’s Love continue to flow into you. This Love, the very foundation of all spiritual development that is of the soul, is required first and foremost in your work and your efforts. To open yourselves to the inflowing of this gift is to start a chain reaction, a process that changes everything. No other process can do this, no other way brings these results. When you pray to be instruments of God, to be a channel of love, to be a beautiful light, you must see that the unfolding of these things, the realisation of these desires, is predicated upon receiving copious amounts of this Essence from the Creator of all.

I need not remind you of these things, for you know them well. Yet, I see sometimes that you get caught up in the details of metaphysical and mindful things rather than the simple practice of receiving this great gift. I am not suggesting that you neglect this, but the priorities often change, since you are all too human and you have difficulty keeping yourselves focused upon a path so very simple, a way so very uncluttered by mindful considerations. Yet, this is the way of the universe. This is the way of true light and true harmony in the universe.

There is, of course, another way that God has provided for all His children in the universe. It is to clarify and purify all conditions, all mental attitudes, all material and spiritual conditions that are not in harmony with the Laws of Creation. This is an arduous task, a difficult one, but it is available to every human being upon your world if they understand the process.

For many of you, you are engaging in both approaches. You wish to perfect and to purify your beings in various ways and approaches that are of a more material and spirit-led way. You are also engaging in receiving the great Love of God, which, in its way and its process, will engage all other processes within you, all other aspects of your being, to bring clarity, purity and harmony. As you know, it will go beyond these things where the way of mind will not.

I encourage you to have the perspectives and the priorities necessary for all of us to fulfil our task together and for all of us to be in harmony and unity together. There is much work to do, my friends. We do not have much time to accomplish it. So yes, you may engage in the tedious and time-consuming process of purification. Indeed, it is hard for you to resist the invitation, for your world is filled with these attitudes, these thoughts and these invitations to move toward what you call natural love processes. These things are easier for you to understand, easier for you to comprehend and to apply, for they engage the mind well.

The idea of faith, of trusting in the process that is so difficult for you to understand as an earthly creature, is challenging, to say the least. Faith is a very subtle process. Faith builds with experience. Faith is trusting in something that you do not truly understand, but something which God has offered to you as a gift and a blessing. When you go by faith and live by faith, then the answers are not so evident. The possibilities are not so clear. It is trusting in God and trusting in what is offered by the Creator of all. Yet, this is the highest and the most powerful blessing that can be given.

To have and receive the great gift of God’s Love is to nurture faith within you and is to strengthen faith within you. So, you come to the well each and every day, seeking to drink from these Living Waters, seeking to be in greater harmony with God through the process of awakening and blessing your soul in the Light and Truth that is God’s Love. That Truth does not come so easily, for it is the Truth of the soul and the ways and language and communication of the soul are different from the mind. There is often tension and conflict between these two perspectives. This is where we and others come in to help ameliorate and alleviate these tensions, to help you see the soulful perceptions rather than that of the mind, to help you understand that this involves the feeling and sense within the soul of the rightness of that which you perceive, the harmony and the truth of it.

Each day is a challenge, I know, my beautiful friends. We ask you to engage in what this dear soul describes as a revolutionary process and it is, indeed. Compared to the vast majority of your brothers and sisters, it challenges the very foundations of reality, of truth. Indeed, as you continue to progress, understand and adopt this new way, you become a living challenge to others. You become different. Those human desires for connection, friendship and acceptance are often thwarted by this change that is happening within you, these conditions that continue to evolve and exhibit a palpable example of how this Love is transforming you.

You are together as a group and there are others who love, support you and understand. You are blessed with these things. You have your angel friends. You have us. You have many who surround you, yet they are not of the material plane. Is it not a goal that your perceptions may include us, that your reality may include us in an ever-increasing and palpable way, of knowing our presence and knowing our friendship with you? This we strive to develop in your capacities to create rapport and in your capacities to see, understand and feel us.

So the revolution continues, beloved souls, a complete remaking of your perceptions of the world, of yourself, of God and of all there is in God’s creation. This is closer to the true reality that God has put forth for humanity to live within. Yet, humanity continues to digress and resist what God is offering. You are the strong ones. You have come to accept, to a degree, what is being offered. Indeed, within your soul is a deep desire and longing to be completely immersed in this.

As I have said and as you well know, the mind continues to resist and insist upon certain criteria, language and foundational understanding of these things that are not truly a part of the soul. Thus, the process continues. Indeed, what is happening and what we see happening within you is that the resistance and the insistence of the mind is crumbling. It must submit to the power, beauty, clarity and truth of the soul as it grows in Love and as it grows in light.

This must be my beloved, beautiful friends. For how else can we proceed? How else can these prayers that you have uttered to bring about the manifestations, to bring about the power of your own gifts and instrumentality to the fore? It must happen in this way and it is happening to a degree. I merely urge you to lay down your resistance, for it is futile. In time, you will be overtaken by soul awareness, soul perceptions and soul understanding. When this time comes, you will see how utterly useless are the intellectual paradigms you have created in order to understand the world. In this way, as the soul gains precedence, the language you carry, the way that you will share with others and your perceptions of the world will reflect that of the soul, not of the mind.

The mind, of course, has its uses, its capacities and its faculties. God did not create these things as something to be ignored or unutilised. Rather, the way in which your reality is formed must start with the perceptions of the soul, the wisdom of the soul and the language of the soul, migrating through the spirit mind, eventually touching and manipulating the material mind to such a degree that clarity will come and truth will come. The simplicity of truth will be evident and the power of your words will be beautiful and effective in the world.

Your development is a complex and powerful process. First, we must deconstruct the mind in certain ways. Then we must encourage the spirit mind to accept that of the soul consciousness. In this way, working back toward the soul, you will come to that place of true awareness and truth in all its beauty. You are intrepid in your efforts. You are strong in your desires. Your soul continues to encourage you forward, beloveds. We are there. Many are there to help you, to encourage you, to uphold you, to strengthen you, to inspire you and to love you. We are there.

The process continues. You are willing and you desire this. So, I urge you to accept it and to be a full participant in it. In this way, you will quicken the process and bring you to that place that you so yearn to be, to awaken those faculties, gifts and perceptions that you so want to engage in and to utilise in your daily life.

The price, of course, is a kind of disconnect from the rest of the world, who sees the world in their own reality, the reality of human making. You are creating a different reality for yourself. This is a hard road to hoe for anyone, to be so different, so unlike others. Yet, you will not lose that capacity to communicate and be with your brothers and sisters. Rather, how you perceive your life, how you communicate with them and how you are with them will change and be different. You must accept this, for you cannot ride or walk upon these two paths indefinitely.

There comes a choice and there comes a challenge. There comes the grief of letting go and there comes the joy of embracing. This is the way of your world. It comes as a double-edged sword. Yet, you have chosen the way of Love, the highest Love. It is your path and it is your blessing.

I am Orion. I love you so. I continue to speak of these things that encourage you upon the path of love, the path of truth, the path that leads to God. We are on that path together always and I am with you always, my friends. Blessings to you, intrepid travellers, beautiful souls desirous of the truth, the light and the way of love. God bless you. God bless you.

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