Encourages Us to Carry on the Work of James Padgett

SPIRIT: Dr Leslie Stone (Guidance)
DATE: January 16, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados

I am so pleased that you continue with the work, the work that began with James and my assistance in this. Know that I am close. Although I do not speak often, I am close to you all and I support this work with all my heart and soul. For humanity needs to know of this truth and it is important that each one of you brings this truth forward. For with the truth that has been given and written in all the ways that it has been done, you have a great library to work with. There are a great many messages that are important and filled with truth.

Make sure that you avail yourself of these things and be in alignment with God’s plan. There is indeed much work to do, as has been indicated many times. The time is short, my friends. The time grows short. Be attuned to your guidance. Be strong in your faith. Be humble in your work and be that channel of love. For God wants you to be this way. Through these means, He will work and the world will benefit greatly from it.

God bless you. I am Leslie Stone. My love is with you, my friends. God bless you.

2025-01-16-AF-Dr Leslie Stone