SPIRIT: James Tudor, Sr.
DATE: January 22, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am James, your father and grandfather. I was with you, these four who came together to talk and discuss cultures and politics, all of these things that I was once interested in. I look today upon my country of Barbados and I am sorrowfully disappointed in the conditions and attitudes of the people who live here. For rather than pull themselves up by their bootstraps and try to make a better life for themselves, they have an attitude of feeling that they are entitled and that they should have all that they want without the effort to bring it to them.
This is not uncommon in your world. It is becoming very common indeed. This passivity and anger is the result of cultural biases and norms that are not healthy. Inside every soul, every individual, there is a desire for good, a desire for well-being and a desire for peace. But, because of the influences and conditions around them, because of the cultural pressures and biases, they become disillusioned and have difficulty navigating the world in such a way that brings them a measure of happiness.
So, you come, my friends, in prayer. You come to pray for this place. You come to pray for one another. You come to pray for the world. Indeed, prayer is required. Prayer is important. I also urge you to be examples, examples of love, examples of that which is in harmony with God’s Laws of Love and God’s creation, who you are as individuals. For each one must carry the responsibility for their own spiritual maintenance and well-being. Yet, many neglect this as they neglect many aspects of their well-being. They would prefer to be gratified by the quick and easy offerings of material society. I come to encourage you to be contrary to this attitude, to see with deeper eyes, thought and soul perception what is required, not only for yourself, but for others and to be the examples that others may observe and maybe be inspired by.
This is not an easy road that you take. It is indeed the contrary road. But, it is the road that is required, the steps necessary, the change of attitude, the taking of responsibility seriously, and the actions and act of each individual that reflect light, harmony, love and grace, rather than that which is not of these things. Yes, many take the easy road, the path of least resistance and, to a degree, they are content to be upon that road. Yet, in the long run, they will suffer and suffer greatly. As the world takes its turn toward change, reconciliation with God and with God’s creation, those individuals who are steeped in ignorance, who are apathetic, who do not see the way beyond that which is gratifying for the moment, will suffer greatly and will be lost, more lost than they are now.
Are you going to be there, my friends, to uphold them and uplift them in truth, or will you judge them for their lack of wisdom, their lack of truth? God would not do so. God encourages each individual to pursue truth and will put in their path the truth. Whether they choose to follow or not is their choice. It is your responsibility, my good and beautiful friends, to be guided and to express truth in everything you do and everything you are, so that when others observe, they will see the difference. They will understand that there is a difference.
It is for you to follow the way of truth. Be strong in truth. Be loving and in light as you follow your path. Do not underestimate the strength of a soul who seeks and a soul who seeks to be redeemed from their sins. It is important that you have compassion. I, for one, was not a very compassionate individual. I see now the importance of being a compassionate person. So, I am the one who comes to speak as a correction to my own way and my own example. I am a child of the truth, a redeemed soul, one who has come to understand the Path of Love and one who has entered into the Kingdom.
But, that does not mean that my work is over, it just begins. For the entire world needs your efforts and ours to help bring peace to the Earth and upliftment to humanity. So, I come to encourage you, my friends and to discourage that part of you that is not in harmony with God. You are of that time and place where what you do is of the utmost importance and will bring important and needed results to the world. Be diligent, truthful and apply the truth as best you can. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Give as you can give. Be a light, a channel of love and all that comes with that. When your time comes to enter into our side of life, you will be well-rewarded for your efforts and you will see that you have done what was necessary and what God wishes of you. You will be joyful in that knowledge and blessed in that effort, in light, beautiful light and beautiful joy.
May you proceed, my friends, upon this path that does indeed require much of you because the world is so in need of you. Indeed, God blesses you deeply, fully, richly and wonderfully. Be true to your path and your purpose and you will find the riches of Heaven at your feet. God bless you. I am James. My love is with you, beloved souls, preachers of the truth, children of God. God bless you. God bless you.