SPIRIT: Augustine
DATE: January 27, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
Minds of men are very active indeed. I am your teacher, Augustine. These points of interest have some bearing upon satisfying your curiosity about whence you came and where you are going. You understand that being in the present with God is the most important journey you might have in your life. Understanding the evolution of humanity has some relevance, but it is not important to your personal growth.
The mind wants facts and information. The mind continues diligently to build a paradigm of understanding and truth that it can live with and express in one’s life. It has been and will be a continued way of life for you. Humanity has evolved and developed in many material aspects because of this. The mind itself, the brain itself, has grown in size as a result of this exercise of mental thought and deduction.
You have evolved since the beginning of your creation. At times, you have devolved and declined to a condition that is almost animal-like and then, once again, rose in the ladder of evolution to what you are today. God supplies to you every resource needed to grow, evolve and change. The laws of God’s universe are those of progression. Every creation of God, whether it be this planet or some other planet, is on a trajectory of progression and evolution.
To think that we as a species evolved from some other source is correct to a degree. But, we are a creation of our own. There is nothing else like us in the world and there will be nothing else like us in the world. We are unique as a species. As has been explained to you a few days ago, the process of evolution helped to facilitate the creation of man, but not in a direct way as scientists assume. They are puzzled because they cannot make that connection definitively. Cells have existed upon this Earth plane for a billion years or more and the collection of cells that are you, are the result of that evolution. But, the entire makeup of who you are and all the things that you do not recognise as yet that reflect who you are, are not just the result of evolution as some scientists indicate, but are the result of God’s creation.
So, it is true and not true. Both the evolution of the species that scientists suggest and the creation of man as a spiritual teaching are, to some degree, myths. Both have their truths and both have their falsities. The consciousness of humanity, the sense of itself, was created instantaneously. It was given by God. Indeed, God gave humanity many gifts, many abilities, perceptions and awarenesses that existed in an instant as God added a soul and soul consciousness, as well as mindful consciousness and spirit consciousness. These three areas of awareness that we have taught were given to a species instantaneously.
Can you say that this species was human before these blessings and awarenesses were present? I would suggest not. They were animals with animalistic consciousness, behaviours and bodies. But, when the gift of soul was given, they were transformed from that species in the instantaneous moment it was given. So, evolution did not bring about humanity. God did. But, evolution brought about the conditions by which humanity might exist. This indeed, to a scientist, would be contradictory. To you, dear and beautiful souls, I am sure you understand what I am saying.
So, are you a creation of God? Of course. But, you are also a creation of man, for man has altered that creation over aeons of time through choices and the exertion of free will. You are part animal, part human and part soul. Unfortunately, that mindful human part of you, combined with animalistic appetites and desires, are more predominant than that of soul consciousness. This was never intended. God wished for the soul to predominate as it did at creation.
Indeed, you have evolved and exerted yourselves to the degree that the brain and the mind in the material sense have become the predominant force in your lives. The physicality that you possess has become a driving force in your desires and appetites. For many, the soul languishes and is forgotten. The consciousness and all that this has within it, the sense and understanding, even the intuition of this aspect of yourself, have all but disappeared and been repressed by thousands of years of choice and expression.
The evolution of man continues, or shall we say, the progress of this beautiful creation of God continues in the world. As we have indicated, God has a plan for humanity’s progress and evolution. Part of that plan involves neutralising the deleterious effects of human effort that has contradicted the laws of God’s creation and Love. This is why we are encouraging you almost daily to go about your life in prayer to help ignite the soul that it may take its place, the place it is meant to be.
This is God’s plan, that the soul shall ascend in the consciousness of humanity. The mindful dominance shall retreat and, in time, be absorbed by the consciousness of the soul. The physical appetites of the body and the mind combined shall be harmonised in this process. It is not that these appetites are evil. It is that the harmony and alignment of these three centres of your being have been greatly distorted by human tampering and decisions.
That time comes, and it comes swiftly in terms of human history, that the conditions will be pervasive on your Earth plane where the willfulness of man and the desires of man that reflect the mind, the material mind, will be subjugated as the soul ascends to its proper place in the consciousness of humanity. It will require great adjustment and great effort on humanity’s part to adapt to this new way, to realise that the changes that are coming are necessary and will result in a complete recalibration of the priorities and desires of man.
Such a change is not usual on your world, as it has happened in the past and it may happen in the future. Remember, God’s primary desire is that there be progress toward harmony. At times, God intervenes, helping to reset the course of the ship toward the direction that is necessary. You will all experience this to some degree in times to come. You will all come to understand why and to accept that this is the wisest course of action.
What else could it be if it is not the intention of God? For God is all wisdom. God is also all compassion, caring and love. These elements will not be lost during this time of change. You will be able to avail yourself of these blessings. Your response to change may be quite different from your neighbours because your perspective will match the perspective that God is wishing to expedite and nurture within humanity. You will be the precursors. You will be the ones who will be given the insights, wisdom, understanding, love, compassion and all the things that are of the soul in the process of being redeemed by Love.
Those thoughts of whence we have come will be a very minor part of your thought processes in the future. Instead, your focus will be on where you are going. The markers of reality, of thought, of what is real will have changed dramatically. There will be a great disorientation amongst humanity because what was once solid ground will not be anymore. What was once thought to be reality will not be anymore. The world will be upside down. The world will not be recognisable. It is for you, my beloved souls, to ground yourself in God. For when you are grounded in God, nothing that happens outside of you is so dramatic that it would jar your relationship with your Creator or unsettle you to the point where you are not oriented and grounded properly.
You must be true to yourselves, beloved souls, true to your souls and true to God. All else will follow. That which is not true to God, true to God’s Creation, true to God’s Laws of Love, will fall away. What you have experienced in these days together should indicate this to be true. Each of you has had and experienced a great change. You may not be fully aware of this at this time, but you will be. New insights and new perceptions will come to you. New understanding will flood your consciousness. You will feel closer to your soul, which will then feel closer to God.
These things have been given to you because you have spent time in prayer, contemplation, conversation and fellowship, all these things that promote light and allow the change, the shifts and the blessings. The work that has been accomplished upon you will become a permanent fixture in your life. You have changed, beloved souls. You will continue to change, for you honour the directive of God for progress. You will continue to do so for the rest of your days upon this Earth and for many, many more days in spirit.
You live in interesting times, as the phrase goes. You shall have an interesting life, even more so than what you have experienced to date. There will be changes. There will be changes of perspective, of attitudes, of desires, of knowings, of truth and of experiences with God. You are deeply blessed. You are not lost, beloved souls. You are not lost, but you have found the truth. The more you can apply what you have found, the deeper will be the realisation of truth within you. The deeper will be the ascendancy and expansion of the soul. The deeper will be your capacity to love. The deeper will be your perceptions. You will have great compassion for your brothers and sisters and a deep understanding of why the collective choice of humanity has led to these responses by God, by your Mother Earth and by one another.
The changes are within you and around you. This will be the norm in your life. Be open and accepting of these changes. Be strong and steadfast in your relationship with your soul and your soul’s relationship with God. In this, you will be able to weather anything and you will help others to do so. It is a great challenge to you, beloved souls, but it is a beautiful gift. The changes that will happen within you and the challenges that you face will bring great spiritual growth, great strength of soul, great brightness of light and great depth of wisdom.
So, we continue to embark upon the journey. I thank you for doing this together in this group and for reaching out to others. You continue to do God’s work and you continue to be part of God’s plan. I urge you forward, beloved souls. Listen to your guidance and act upon it in love. All will be well, beloved souls. Even though tumult might be all about you, within you will be the steadiness of peace.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. I love you dearly. I honour your efforts. I honour your curiosity. I honour your desires and I honour your souls. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.