Do Not Denigrate Your Souls: There is a Hierarchy in Heaven

SPIRIT:             Augustine
MEDIUM:        Al Fike
DATE:               February 03, 2025
LOCATION:     San Salvador Estate, Trinidad

Bless you, dear children of God. I am your teacher, Augustine. This instrument makes light of his designation on Earth as a minister of a church. He is humble and does not see himself in the light of having authority. But, indeed, he has authority, not in regard to human perception and designation, but in the light of God’s perception and our perception he carries the weight of authority. He wears a gown that is fringed in gold and a beautiful purple fringe added with this. This is a very high designation. It is a designation earned and he carries this when he is in the spirit world.

Many honour these designations, for they have originated by the authority that Jesus, the Master of the Celestial Kingdom, has given to him as his apostle and as his spokesman. This designation carries great weight and great responsibility. It is the same for all of you who are dedicated to this Path of Love, to teach and demonstrate it. Each of you have your designations. Each of you wear your cloak with fringes of various colours to indicate what it is and what status you carry in the true terms of soul development.

This is not to be made light of. It is an important thing. I know that on your earthly plane, such things are not seen or recognised, that with the fleshy body you carry a cloak of invisibility. Mortals cannot see or recognise the state of the soul. But, we who are all soul redeemed and live within the Celestial Kingdom, we see and we recognise. Your stellar friends, who you mentioned briefly, see and recognise. The bright spirits see and recognise your soul development. The reflection of that is in the garb that you wear when you inhabit the spirit spheres in your sleep state.

Our beloved master Jesus has favoured you well, beloved souls, has favoured this instrument in ways that very few have been favoured. Indeed, you carry the blessing of this. Whether you realise it or not, it is a part of you and you are a part of it. There is a hierarchy in Heaven, not one that is oppressive or biased, but one that reflects the development of the soul, the progress of the soul in the Father’s Love. So, we too carry our garbs, our colours and our designations, as do you. We do not mention this often, for it is easy for you to misinterpret what I say. Because in your minds, it is important to have status and to be powerful in status.

This is not the case in Heaven. Rather than status, it is an honouring of the soul development of the individual. This is true power and true status, though it is not responded to and interpreted in the same way. It is merely a reflection of love and acknowledgement of the work and effort that each soul makes in their development in the journey that they take toward God.
There are many humble souls who have lived on the Earth who have great and high status in the Heavens and have not been known by humanity in any way. They are not famous. They have not accomplished much upon the earthly plane that would garner them fame. Yet, they are high up in the Celestial Heavens, for they have earned that place as they grow in the Father’s Love, as their dedications reflect their place within Heaven.

Each of you, as you grow, as you continue to expand in the Father’s Love, are given honours by Jesus, by the Celestial Angels, as an indication to those spirits on Earth who are closer to the earthly plane and in the lower spheres. When they come to witness the work that you do, the Circle of Lights that you form, they see. As you pray together, they are able to see these garments and these colours. It helps them to acknowledge your beautiful gifts and light as they witness these times of prayer. Beloved souls, wear your badge of honour well. Live up to the status given. For on the earthly plane, it is easy to slip down into a darker condition. It is easy to dishonour this status, because you are all too human. But, within your souls is a firm and beautiful designation of light. That designation reflects this light.

So, you are of a duality, the soul and the mind. The mind may indeed dishonour the condition of the soul. The soul will never dishonour the mind. Keep this in your consciousness, beloved souls, that indeed you must assist the soul in having this predominance, in establishing itself into your everyday consciousness, to live this designation in all its beauty, in all that it is and to have it truly a part of you with every breath. Though indeed this exists within you, as I have said, the fleshy cloak often hides what is within. Seek to have harmony between that reality of soul and the reality of the flesh.

This is a difficult task. It is challenging for all of you. But, it is something that we wish for you to make an effort and to apply in your daily life. For if you are to truly be those instruments in the world, then you must have a unity of condition, of being within yourselves, around yourselves and through yourselves. This light must shine. As it does so, it will affect the atmosphere of your Earth. It will affect those around you. It will bring many blessings, peace and authority to you and through you. This will touch many.

These things come ever so gradually. The beautiful conditions of soul will become more powerful and more beautiful and will radiate in all its glory. You will truly live up to your status in every way. You have been deeply blessed, beloved children of God, students of truth. You shall continue to be blessed. Remember who you truly are, what is important and what you wish deep within you to manifest through you and to be you in life on the Earth.

May you be blessed, beloved souls. Your teacher, Augustine, wishes to correct you and your attitudes, for they do not do justice to your souls. Your souls are what are important. They gain importance and status with each day. It is important for you to acknowledge this and to live by this to be that beautiful channel that you are, to be this with every breath, to speak it, to act upon it and to express it in every way. Thus, you honour God’s blessings toward you. You honour Jesus’ benevolence and grace that he has given you in his love and honouring each of you.

Beloved souls, it is necessary to live life with dignity and grace, an equal to your status. Be that light in the world. Do not denigrate yourself in any way. Be strong and forthright. Be clear and loving. Be true to the light that you are and the blessing that you are to the world. God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine. I love you all. It is my honour to assist you on Earth. Many angels feel as I do, that it is a great honour and a great blessing. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.