Our Purpose in Barbados

SPIRIT:             Bartholomew
MEDIUM:        Al Fike
DATE:               January 03, 2025
LOCATION:     St Michael, Barbados

God bless you, my dear friends. It is Bartholomew. As my dear brother says, there is no time to waste. Indeed, as you come together, dedicated and gifted souls that you are, you must utilise the time effectively and with great care and wisdom. So, we plan to gather you together in purposeful efforts to bring further development, to add further wisdom and, of course, for each one of you to receive ever greater portions of God’s Love within your soul.

There is no time to waste, my friends. These opportunities are precious and few, given the circumstances, your locations and your desire to serve. You will learn much while you are together. Keep your minds open. Ask questions. Ask questions of us. Formulate your questions before you gather together and be purposeful in your own minds and hearts so that you may shift into a different perspective and capacity to serve.

We can only go as far as you are willing to go. We can only dedicate as much time as you are willing to dedicate. We are there at your beck and call. God is there to bless you always. But, it is for you to accept and even to formulate the agenda for your gatherings. We will fill in the blanks. We will add the details, but you must set aside the time and also be focused in your thinking and your desires toward further awakening and further development. We will comply always. We will make ourselves available completely toward your efforts, your time and your prayers.

Consider this, beautiful friends of God. Consider, my charges, how you may approach these times, how you may dedicate your prayerful efforts toward one another and toward God. It is for you to consider and to take seriously the opportunities that are set before you. We cannot interfere with your free will, but when you comply, when you are willing and when you ask, the floodgates open and the blessings flow. May you continue to find those blessings, to absorb, to integrate and to take on the challenges that are set before you.

You must be a light, my beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters. A light shining so bright, a light so loving and filled with joy that those you meet will not resist you but will want to be close, will want to hear what you have to say. That light must begin with the glowings and flowings of your soul out into the world. Have great faith in God’s plan for each one of you and allow yourself the luxury, the blessings, the expansion and the awareness that comes when you seek out God and seek out the great blessings of His Love. They will come in abundance.
As you continue to grow in this way, it is for you to seek out ways of expression and to seek out God’s guidance as God utilises the gifts that have been awakened, as God utilises your willingness, your desire and your dedication toward bringing the truth to humanity. It is for you to decide and to enact. You have great responsibility. It is for you to see this from the perspective of something far greater than yourself, something far more important than your own needs and wants, something that is for all of humanity.

Can you dedicate yourself in this way, expanding your desires and who you are as an individual to incorporate God’s beautiful design and plan for the salvation of humanity? It is for you to come to realise, to come to accept and come to enact. As you do so, you will know greater joy, greater love and greater light.

May you be blessed, beloved, beautiful charges. I will be close. I am close and we will all gather in the sacred Light of God’s Love. God bless you. I am Bartholomew. My love is with you, my friends. Great days are ahead and beautiful blessings to come. God bless you. God bless you.