Surprises are Coming, Reassurance for Jeanne’s Healing

Spirit: Goldie
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 10, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

Surprises are coming, beloveds, things unexpected. You’ll be meeting many people surprising as it may seem. There will be many doors opening for you, my beloved friends. You have toiled away keeping the flame going, making efforts to be loving and be with as many as you can in this beautiful flow of love. And now your efforts will be rewarded, beloveds. You will find yourselves in surprising places with surprising people and there will be a joy, an awakening that God will open the doors to joyful sharing of love. Be prepared.

Dear daughter, you will find your healing. It is coming. I know that it seems a long time coming but know that we are working hard to ensure that this will come soon and that you will find relief from this pain, for we need you. We need you to be strong, to be in that state of grace that is such a beautiful expression of you and your soul.

Surprises are coming, beloved, beloved souls, for all of you. Allow God to work His miracles and mysteries, His blessings, and His Love upon your lives and allow the flow to carry. It will. It will.

God bless you. Goldie loves you. Goldie loves you. God bless you.