Guidance About Our Purpose and Needs

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: January 19, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

God bless you, it is your teacher Augustine.t is good that you pray for these Portals of Light, beloved souls. Just as the dear soul (M) has been guided to pray, so we guide you and whoever is willing to pray for the empowerment of these portals, to bring light to this world. These mechanisms of light, channels from God to bring healing and love and blessings to many are important. They are crucial in these vast plans to heal your world and all within it. And so, when you have an opportunity to be present in a place where one of these portals exist, it is important that you focus your prayers for the highest, to seek to be an instrument that sustains these places.

Of course, your prayers on a daily basis will help to bring energies to these places in the world. Intention, beloveds, intention is important. Focusing your minds, your desires, your prayers upon specific blessings is important. To do so with a fervency, a clarity, and a passion, comes from the soul for these things will bring the highest blessings. Building and sustaining these portals is an important aspect of your work, beloveds, will continue to grow, and you will continue to travel and ignite as God’s instruments these various portals in the world. This is your purpose, beloveds. This is your purpose amongst others, other aspects of your work. There will be those who assist you in this who are clear and clearly guided in this regard.

You concern yourself with material resources and the limitations you have to move in the world. I say to you, my beloved friends, as you continue to grow in the Father’s Love and your souls glow and your abilities awaken with your souls’ connection with God, these issues will be resolved and there is no need for anxiety and worry in this regard. This too is part of God’s plan and you will see how doors open that will support you in these efforts, these efforts that are very important indeed, avenues that must be taken that will help to solidify God’s plans in the world.

All those who are willing to step beyond their safe and regimented lives to exert themselves, inspired and guided by the Will of God, will be blessed mightily and be provided for in every way. Those who will support you will be blessed as well. Their efforts done in love and with the clear understanding of the purpose and importance of working for the betterment of mankind will indeed be inspired and blessed as you are inspired and blessed, beloved souls.

There is much to do and the laborers are few, my friends, few indeed but it is growing. These beautiful souls are awakening, coming to see their purpose, coming to establish themselves in the world as a channel of love, seeking for the highest, seeking to serve God in love, seeking to serve humanity. You will find yourselves in the company of many beautiful souls who are of like mind, who are indeed attuned to God’s Will. This can only grow as you grow in light and the Law of Attraction draws those to you and God’s plan establishes openings and possibilities of connection. Continue to be open to this as you are indeed and be of good faith and clear in your purpose and desire to serve. All will come in good time.

God will bless you each and every day, beloved souls, as you continue to dedicate your lives to the awakening of mankind, the awakening of your souls, the healing of this world, the transformation of the reality that humanity has created and must be transformed into that which is in harmony with God’s creation. There is much to do indeed, beloveds. Continue in your efforts and you know full well that I am with you and many others.

God bless you. Your teacher Augustine is with you, always on the ready to teach, to share, to bring wisdom, to bring his love. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.