God’s Love Will Nurture Your Soul

Spirit: Keea Atta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: November 4, 2018
Location: FUSC, Burnaby, BC

I am Keea Atta Kem and I am an inhabitant of the Celestial kingdom, an angel who possesses a soul transformed by the Love of God. Nurture your tender souls, beloveds. Nurture that deep place within you. Seek the soothing balm of God’s Love for your souls and bring this blessing into your lives, into your consciousness, into all aspects of your being. For this Love, this gift, is meant to heal all within you and bring harmony about you. Beloved souls, there is no higher gift, no greater effect and blessing than this. God eagerly awaits your penitent prayers to receive this gift. A great ocean of Love awaits each who wishes to be bathed within it, to be refreshed by these living waters, anointed, cleansed, uplifted, that the peace that passes all understanding will come, that all those worries and cares of your life may dissolve in Love, that you may be carried away in this great light and peace and joy. Beloveds, God loves each and every one of you beyond your capacity to understand. Come to know this Love. Come to know how loved you are and how beautiful is your soul. It is free to every soul who asks, no matter their condition and place in your world. It is given freely to every soul who wishes to receive this gift. May God bless you mightily in this flow, in this benediction of Love.

God bless you. I am Keea Atta Kem and I resided in Egypt many thousands of years ago. I was daughter to Ramseys the Second, one of many of his daughters. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds. Thank you.