Spirit: James
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: March 26, 2018
God bless you, I am James. Blessings to those who are mature in this world and those who just begin in their journey upon this world. Do you not feel the changing conditions in this world, beloved souls? Do you not feel the winds of change coming to this world and the clouds of darkness begin to swirl and move? Change is coming, beloved souls. Souls are awakening. All who wish for Light will be given insights and opportunities to bring change to this world, to bring healing and joy. Open yourselves, beloved souls, to God’s Touch, for it is God that brings this change. It is the blessings of God that bring the winds of change to this world. May you feel the breezes in your hair, feel the warmth of God’s Touch in your soul, be inspired to take further steps towards greater harmony in your lives and to abide by the desire within your soul which says, “May I receive the blessings of God, His Love, to pour into me, to ignite greater change within, to bring greater Light to me and to others.” Yes, indeed, pray for this world, for with your prayers the wind intensifies, the change comes more readily and you are affected in deep ways by your prayers and your desires for greater Light. Can you release those conditions within you that burden you, my beloveds? Can you bring greater wisdom and Light through you and within you, so that when you walk this world you bring the power of change, and Light and Love where ever you go? God will use you to these ends, beloved souls, if you are receptive and if you desire this.
You know the need for change. You know the need for greater harmony in this world. You need not carry this burden by yourself, but to go to God to receive the upliftment, the blessing of His Love, the awakening that comes with His Touch within your soul. This will nourish you, strengthen you, inspire and encourage you in this quest for greater Light, for deeper change within and deeper change all about.
The winds of change are coming. They will intensify. As you pray for greater Light, so you will find these winds refreshing and will pull you in directions that will bring Light and harmony to this world. God will inspire you, beloved souls. God will show you the way. He will send His Angels, His beautiful bright spirits to accompany you and to inspire and guide you, and we will all work together to bring change and Light, peace and joy, Love to all.
Many in this world are beginning to awaken. The breezes that you feel foreshadow storms to come, changes intense, yet changes that will bring what is required to uplift the world and to disperse the dark clouds so that this dear and beloved soul, so new to this world, may find his place in Light. For these prayers that you beseech God to bring change are for the children are they not, all those who are coming who need places of safety, places where they may grow not only within their minds but within their souls. That the deep wisdom which humanity carries within their souls may awaken and be utilized so that all of humanity may live together in peace, may work together for the benefit of all, may utilize their wisdom to bring greater benefits for all of humanity. Each of you has many gifts, has many potentials, many prospects and much love within their souls. That they may use these gifts, may explore the potentials, the possibilities of their souls to bring creative solutions, change, innovations, truth, loving support to one another. This comes with Love within the soul and Love within the soul comes from God. God wishes for all His Children to be in Light and joy with good health, with creative expressions which come from the integration of the mind and the soul. The Light of this Love may ignite many, many things within and may bring this evolution of mankind from this place of deep slumber to become awake, energized, aware in all ways, knowing, knowing the true potentials that they bring and the true connection that they have with the Creator and all the energies of the Universe coming together to not only bring change but to bring harmony and wisdom.
You stand upon the threshold, beloved souls. Are you awake? Do you desire to be awake? Do you long within yourselves for that deep connection with the Source, to be a channel of Love for others, to be a font of wisdom, to bring your gifts forward to benefit all those who struggle for the Light and are burdened by the conditions of humanity? God is issuing you an invitation beloved souls, an invitation to Light, to change, to awakening, to the realization of all that is within you may come forth in such a great power and rush of Light that you may contribute to the awakening of humanity. Listen with your souls, beloveds. Listen and awaken. Put aside your doubts, your fears, your judgements, your inhibitions to Truth. Be innocent like this little babe, reliant upon your Heavenly Father to show you the way, to nurture you along the path, to bring you into greater Light and in this deep faith, the strength that comes with humility and a measure of vulnerability but is unshaken by the forces of darkness.
Step forward, beloved souls, and seek the power that comes with Love, that force for change and Light that is predicated upon Love. In this you have the perfect balance of your own innate abilities, your soulful blessed potentials and the wondrous Light and flow of God’s Love and Energies into the world. This is what the Heavenly Father wishes of you beloved souls, to truly know yourself and to know God in all His Beauty, and Glory and Love, Light and Power. Can you rise above the human condition and find your way within this new world, this awakening world which humanity must accept and engage within? The winds of change are coming, beloved souls. You feel the power of it. Now are you willing to accept what is coming with joy, to embrace what is coming with Love, to be the change that God wishes for all humanity to be? God will bless you with every opportunity, all the blessings, so that you may indeed enact these changes within and without.
Seek His Blessings, beloved souls. Seek to know God like never before. Seek to be in God’s Light, God’s Presence, God’s Love and absorb all of these blessings. Open your souls and receive the bounty that God has to give and you will become the winds of change. You will be a part of this and you will do so joyfully and with deep commitment and strength.
Blessed are those who see the Light and know the Beauty and Glory of God. May you be blessed, beloved souls. May you be blessed deeply and mightily. I am your brother James and I love you. God bless you. God bless you.