Faculties of the Soul Compared to a Camera Lens

Spirit:        James

Medium:    Al Fike

Date:        April 10, 2017

Location:    Gibsons, BC


I am James. I have been monitoring your conversations regarding the Will of God versus your own will and desire to serve in Light in the world and I have come to give some clarification on this subject.

To know the Will of God, you must know your own soul. To activate and express the Will of God in the world, you must have refined soul wisdom and soul faculties. These attributes and gifts come with the inflowing of the Divine Love. They are developed and awakened by this touch. Your desire to receive God’s Love is necessary in order for God to implant within you His Essence which has its effects in cleansing the soul, reordering the soul to some degree and igniting the faculties of the soul, implanting within it much wisdom and Truth. In order to be a channel of God’s Love and wisdom, to teach, to be a channel that is effective and clear, these elements and aspects of the soul must come into alignment and those conditions and encrustations of the soul must be released, at least to some degree, for the soul to express itself and to be an active agent of God’s Will.

There is a faculty of the soul which I wish to describe and I will do so using the idea of a camera. A camera has various components. It has an image, an iris and a lens. Think of the operations of this camera which is like a faculty of the soul except it operates in reverse. The image is produced first. The soul is infused with information, clear and unadulterated, because it is directly informed by the Love of God within. Now, the iris is your will and your desire and it regulates how much of that image can be released through this mechanism or soul faculty, expanding and contracting in accordance to your desire and your inner condition. The lens is your mind. And so, when all is in alignment, the iris open and the image is placed within the soul, the image is then allowed to come clearlythrough the mind and expressed out into the world.

Now, the lens of your mind, not reflecting the inner images of your soul, this inner knowledge and wisdom, is merely the reflection of the mind and does not necessarily include the Truth of the soul and you must be careful to discern between these two elements. It requires the clarity of the soul in harmony and alignment with God, expressed through you, through the faculties of the soul, through your mind and into the world. If that image is clear and all is in alignment, the iris open and the lens in focus, you will have a clear picture. There will be no doubt, there is clarity, an image refined and beautiful resulting from that faculty within you in full operation and bringing it through in a clear fashion. Because the lens of your mind is in focus and in alignment with the image within your soul, there can be no doubt of its veracity and clarity.

Unfortunately, often these elements are not in full alignment and focus and the image, although there within you, is somewhat distorted by the restriction of the iris, your desire, and the unfocusing of the lens, your mind, so that the image becomes distorted and unfocused, leading to much interpretation and guesswork as to what exactly this image is.

But as you continue to go within, as you continue to hone your faculties and reach down to observe this great image of Truth within you, you will learn to focus these aspects within. You will hone the faculties of your soul and you will learn clearly the Will of God. All of those parts of you are strengthened by the Divine Love require your prayers and earnest aspirations to receive this Love and to allow all obstructions within the flow of this Light, this image, this Truth within you to be released so that the image is clear and the alignment takes place. The fulfilment of God’s Will becomes activated in your lives because you have worked, desired and made great effort to be that clear channel of God’s Will and Love in the world. It is important to be within the mind in a way that you have higher thoughts and aspirations so as to clear the way for these inspirations of the soul to be seen clearly and in conjunction with this. It is the deep desire to know God’s Will, allowing the iris to open and the Light to flood through into your consciousness.

I hope my little talk has given you a clearer understanding of how God works through His instruments and how His instruments are required to make effort to be clear and focussed with higher thoughts, deep desires, earnest prayers so that God may cleanse your souls and bring an enlivenment to the faculties of your souls, allowing these beautiful gifts and aspects of your inner selves to work effectively and beautifully as they are intended. That you may see clearly the footfalls you must make, the path that is laid before you and you may recognize the opportunities that God has placed on your path. That you may see clearly the wisdom that God has placed within your soul and that your mind may be in a condition to be receptive to all these beautiful blessings flowing forth from the Creator. A gift to each one of you and though these images that come forth in you, may be somewhat different, for the lens of your mind is unique, they come together in a beautiful tapestry, making a great and wondrous picture of Truth.

This is how you may work together comparing your wisdom, your knowledge, your inspiration, which you may receive from God through your soul to your mind. In this way, you will teach many how to receive, to know, to be in alignment, to acknowledge the power of God’s Love. The beauty and perfection of His Gift, which He has placed within you, which is your soul and to work humbly towards these ends to share your wisdom and your knowledge and your experience. To extend to others through you that Loving Touch from God, that reassurance and comfort, that Truth and the power of being true to yourselves, true to your souls, true to what is really you. All of this done in love with wisdom and clarity, utilizing the gifts that God has given you, will manifest God’s Will for you my beloveds and what is meant for you to do, your purpose in this world.

Every channel is unique, is beautiful, adds to the great and wondrous flow of this work to bring the Truth to mankind and to open the doors to the salvation of mankind. The awakening of their souls as your souls have awakened so shall it be that you shall show others how this is done.

Much work awaits you my beloveds. We eagerly await your desire and your effort to bring the Truth to mankind.  As you discover within yourself those wondrous inspirational images of Truth, you will know what steps you must take and how to proceed in inspiring and teaching others the Truth.

I bless you my beloved, beautiful friends in this journey and I will continue to assist you all in the discovery of your own true souls, your own true selves, as you seek and find and express the Truth.

May God bless you always with His Love. May you be in that mighty river of His Love and your lives be full of grace, joy and peace. Continue my beloveds in your great efforts as you struggle out of the darkness into Light, of ignorance into Truth, of fear towards joy and liberation. All will be provided and guided in this mighty flow, as God carries you in your beautiful lives of service of awakening, of Love.

God bless you, I am James and I am with you in your efforts and I love you. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.