Spirit: Mary
Medium: Al Fike
Date: January 5, 2015
Location: Gibsons, BC
…Yes, I am Mary. Your souls shine with your inner light and each one of you here has a deep desire to bring comfort and healing to all those who you meet. They are seeking you out. Yes, your desires bring a great light. The desires of your souls bring God’s Love. The desires of your heart bring great service to humanity. You walk in light each one here, beloved and precious souls. And you are drawn together because of the beautiful light within you and the desire to acknowledge and to love one another in this sisterhood and fellowship of love. Continue in your service, your desires to bring love and light to this world. And God will open those doors that you may do so in beautiful and surprising ways. Yes, there is much work ahead, Many challenges to face, much within you to overcome and to set aside. Continue my beloveds in these efforts, in these prayers to come together as you do to support one another and we will guide you, beautiful souls, we will guide you and take you on a wondrous journey. You are loved, you are so loved. God bless you, precious souls. Mary loves you.