Complying to the will of God

Spirit: Augustine

Medium:  Al Fike

Location:  Gibsons, BC

Date:  June 1, 2015

May His Love find a constant inflowing into your souls. I am Augustine and I have come to make comment upon the efforts of these two precious souls who endeavour to become ministers of their church. For those who see these titles as important, the doors will be opened for these precious souls who seek this title. In this world such things have gravity and importance, while in our world it is the relationship of the soul to its Creator that is of all importance. So there are times when one must comply to the conditions of humanity which demand titles and formal recognition, and I wish to encourage my two precious charges in their efforts to attain these titles.

There will be many blessings which will flow from these efforts. Already there is a greater bond forged with those who are in association with their church and this shall continue to strengthen. And in this strengthening and fellowship many blessings will flow and greater understanding be obtained. And there are gifts which will be given through you and gifts that will be given to you in this effort.

A title does not automatically give soul progression but a title may reflect soul progression if it is earned through the beseeching of the Heavenly Father for His Love. And this you have done for many years, my beloveds, and it is in humility that you take on this challenge and this effort, and it is in humility that you will carry these titles, which for some will open their eyes and bring greater receptivity to your message of Love.

Yes there are times when you must all accept and work with the structures and rules of this world and your culture and country. Each soul is not immune to the demands of this world, yet within these conditions a soul can have great freedom and deep awareness and much Love. And it indeed does take humility to carry a title without seeking the recognition and the authority which it may contain. We ask you, my beloveds, to do this work in humility and grace, Love, to work with others, to sense how you are equals in the eyes of God, equally loved, equally precious. And you, my beloveds, are at that place of true understanding of this and indeed do you not see how this work flows, how your efforts in this regard become easy and fulfilling? A sure sign that this is God’s Will and within the plan that God has for you.

Walk in the Light, all of you, my beloveds, walk in the Light and know that there will be surprises upon your road, unexpected and beautiful and at times you will be asked to do what you have not anticipated. At times these chores and efforts may be things that you, within your minds, reject but when this is in the flow of God’s Love and Will you will find joy in it and acceptance and a fulfillment of the purpose. To walk the Divine Path in Light and humility is to seek the Will of God and to humbly accept the Will of God and when you are asked to fulfill God’s desire for you, to enact the chore, an action, you must comply with Love and joy and if this feeling does not come to you, you must pray and come to that realization of its truth and its purpose.

God blesses all His children in many ways guiding them on their unique Paths, taking them on that journey that unfolds in the flow of His Love.  And with the blessings of God’s Love, your souls begin to recognize in a more conscious way what you are meant to do and the timing of this becomes clear and more elegant in its unfolding and enacting.

We are pleased with your efforts, all of your efforts, my beloveds, and we continue to support you and be with you in your prayers and while you live your lives day by day you step incrementally ever closer towards your Heavenly Father. And we feel great joy to see the Light within you glow brighter as the Love of God works its transformative powers upon you. Blessings to you, my beloveds, blessings to all the children, all those whom you love, all those within the orbit of your Light. Be a channel for the world, be an agent of change to bring harmony and peace, be with God always and we will be with you always in this great pursuit of healing, of transformation, of change, of Light. God bless you, your teacher Augustine has great love for each one of you. You are beautiful souls and you walk in Light. You are loved. God bless you.