Spirit: Peter
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: August 17, 2015
God bless you, beloved souls, I am Peter.
You each prepare yourselves for the work that lies ahead, for each of you has a purpose in this world to fulfill. Do you truly know this, my brothers and sisters, that you have a task which God has embued upon you, to work on behalf of mankind, to bring greater light and understanding and peace to this world? And each task is unique as is each soul present here, and every soul in this world, in the world of spirit. And this task is especially formulated to suit your specific gifts and abilities and personality. This is the wonderment of God’s Creation, the harmony of God’s Creation, for He does not give you that which is too difficult for you to fulfill. He gives you a task that is perfectly suited for your being and in expressing and performing this task, this purpose, comes a deep fulfillment and knowing from deep within that this is what you are meant to do.
And for some of you, the awareness of this purpose will come swiftly, and for others it will emerge as you progress upon your life’s path in this world. And for many in this world this purpose will never be revealed for they are not capable of understanding what it is that lay deep within them. As you receive the Father’s Love, as you pursue the Divine Path it is inevitable that you will uncover this. For this is a powerful part of your soul, this is a necessary component of your being in this world. And you cannot ignore this, my brothers and sisters, you cannot ignore this, for if you do, it will bring inner strife. For in ignoring your purpose, you are denying a part of yourself, this gift that God has given you and you alone.
And the expression of this purpose will influence every aspect of your life. It comes rather subtly in the beginning and this influence is felt to a degree, but as you progress and as the Love flows into your soul, as your faculties of the soul become enlivened and heightened and more sensitive, this great purpose becomes a very powerful part of your motivations and that which gives you joy and fulfillment.
So I ask you, beautiful souls, to seek to know your purpose, to put a prayer to your Heavenly Father, to know what you are meant to do in this world. And once you have that knowing you will be guided in the ways of expressing and executing this task for God It will not be a burden, it will not divert you off your life’s path but instead will enhance your existence upon this world, for it will be in service to your Heavenly Father. And much in what is accomplished in this world for those who live within the human existence is irrelevant to the greater life in spirit. But what you accomplish in service to God brings great rewards when you progress into spirit, which is a far greater life than this small and short life of yours in this world, to lay the foundations for your next life, to progress in the Love, to be purified in the Love, to be open to God.
My beloved souls, you will know unfathomable joy in the life to come. I encourage you to seek what it is that God intends for you to do. To go deep within yourself and pull up to your consciousness that awareness, that understanding that lay within your soul, like a jewel glowing within your beautiful souls. Then there will not be a question as to the next steps. There will only be a fervent desire to take those steps which will become so clear and obvious with this awareness.
Many of you feel the pull of this already. Many of you are eager to begin and God will open doors for you as you become aware of who you truly are and what you are truly capable of in service. There will be no guessing and speculating. There will be clarity and surety, so powerful that even your minds will not contradict what you know within your souls. And this will come as the Love enlivens you and empowers you and gives you what you require to live from that soul awareness, that soul Love, that soul motivation.
What you seek in all of your efforts and prayers is to know your souls, for knowing your souls you are able to know God. As God puts within you His Essence, your soul is empowered with knowledge and wisdom, with insight and perception and it is this transformation of your being that will bring you the enlightenment that you seek. There is no other sure way to do this, my beloveds. There is no other way to at-onement with God. This is the way. And this is the path that you all seek and that seeking, that desire, that fervency, only increases as you walk further upon the Path. And in time, the human condition, that which draws you away, will melt and fall away from you. You will then live a life centered in God, centered in His Light and Presence. And in this will come much service expressed through your unique purpose and you will know such peace and joy, beloveds, such peace and joy that few feel and know in this world and you will shine forth wherever you go. And many will notice and see you, will be drawn to you, will seek out what you have and you will indeed teach many to seek this Path, this fulfillment for them to know who they truly are and what God has put within them, what they have to do in this world.
Seek ye the kingdom and all shall come unto you, my beloveds, seek the Love and all will fall into place. It is in accordance to your desire, your efforts to nurture your soul through prayer, being with God and receiving His Love. For those who are eager, direct this energy in efforts to be with God. For those who are curious, release your doubt and be of good faith. For those who are ambivalent, release the thoughts of your mind and commune with your Heavenly Father, for He will indeed show you the way to Truth.
God bless you, my beloved souls, earnest seekers of Love and Truth. I am Peter and I am with you in your efforts, for mankind needs you, needs you to forge this Path and walk this trail so that others may follow. God bless you and I love you. God bless you.