Walk with Me in this Light

Spirit: Jesus

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Abbotsford, BC

Date: May 11, 2016

I come. I am Jesus and I come to be with you in your prayers for the Father’s Love. I come because I love you. I come because your souls are open to this great blessing, this Touch from God, which in my day I taught and exemplified, this great and holy Touch of Love that shall transform your souls, beloveds, and bring you into holy communion with God. I come because I continue to teach my message and God’s Truth that He wishes for all souls to receive this benediction, to know God in this way, to be in that flow, that mighty river of Love. Will you immerse yourselves, beloved souls, and be in this Grace and feel its deep Touch within you and know the power and the glory of this great Love, the essence of God?

The true way to the salvation of the soul is through Love. Allow Love to heal you. Allow Love to bring you new life, a renewal of your beings, of your souls, of that deep part of you that is often hidden from your sight but lives within you, beloveds. It lives within you and you must take time to nurture your souls through prayer, in being with God and receiving this great Light, this Love within, that your souls may burn bright, that your souls may shed all that is not a part of Love, that you may be in time reunited with God and in this you will truly know who you are who you truly are. And God will show you many things in this great river of Love, shall carry you to at-onement, to deep and abiding peace, to truth. Truth that only the eyes of your souls can see and perceive and understand, truth that is everlasting, truth that shall set you free, my beloveds, the truth that is empowered by Love, the truth that gives you fresh eyes and ears allowing you to perceive the universe of God. And all shall be imbued with Love, as will all parts of your being with this simple prayer: “Father, open my soul to this Gift, Your Love. Open my soul and may Your Holy Spirit touch my soul and pour within it Your Essence, Your Love, that I may be transformed, that I might be your true child, embraced and carried, lit along my life’s path in the glory of your Light and care and protection.”

Walk with me, my beloveds. Walk in this Light and know the wonders that this Path of Love may bring to you, the many gifts and blessings, the opening of your beings to something holy and true and wondrous. God bless you, beloveds. I am Jesus and I walk with all the souls who desire to be with God in Love. Be at peace and know that the Heavenly Father has touched you deeply and will continue to bring this Light to your being. If you so wish this, it shall be so. God bless you. God bless you and I love you.