DATE: May 26, 2024
I come to you in love. I am Mary. I come to you to reassure you that you are not alone. None of you are alone in your desire and efforts to reach God and to be in the light of God’s grace. For each of you are surrounded by angels. Each of you are being blessed at this moment and many moments throughout your day. Each of you is loved, so truly loved. I love you. I love you, my beloved children of the Earth who often seek the comfort and solace of one who loves them and are often disappointed by those around them who do not truly understand the power of love. Yet, around you are the angels of God, the Celestial beings who are all love and a reflection of God’s Love. You draw them to you, my beloveds. All of us come close because of your desire to be loved by God, to receive the Essence of His Soul that is the most powerful love in the universe.
Do not feel alone, beloveds. Do not feel that you are walking a lonely path. For you are not alone and God provides the comfort of His angels to be with you. God provides His great blessings upon you to uphold you. So, as you continue in your search for at-onement with God, know that all light, goodness, love and blessings are with you. That you draw these things to you, beloveds, as you pray and as you desire and contemplate the truth, so it comes in many ways. The comfort comes in so many ways.
There is so much that God gives to each one of you. But as you engage in the earthly conditions, it is often difficult to be aware of these things. This does not stop God from blessing you. Even though your awareness is elsewhere, your soul is eager. It desires, it opens to these blessings. If you truly want to know how much you are loved, then put aside, at least momentarily, the earthly concerns and be within your soul. In that place, all that you require to know and affirm the truth will come to you. The consciousness of the soul is what will be the key to open the door to your awareness.
Your feelings, that at times are that of aloneness, will be erased and replaced by the Love of God, by the love of the angels, by the love of many loved ones who are in the spirit world but are close to you. In time, as you glow and are brightened by God’s Love within your soul as it becomes transformed, then many will respond in love to you. For they will feel the warmth, the comfort of your glowing soul as you walk in the world. They will be drawn. They will be drawn or be comforted by the light and the warmth that comes as you are in alignment with your Heavenly Father.
Do not fret or be discouraged, my loved ones. Be clear. Be joyful. For you have found a love like none other and you shall be loved for eternity. The journey just begins and you have found your way so soon. This is to be joyful and acknowledge your blessing, your gift that is given because God has opened the door for you. You have accepted God’s invitation to be close and to receive His great benediction upon your soul. Be joyful, beloveds, and know that you are loved. Feel the love at this moment. Open yourself wide at this moment and God will truly respond with an abundance of His Love and blessings upon you.
God bless you, my beloved and beautiful children. I am Mary. I love you. Many love you. You are surrounded by love. God bless you. God bless you all.