Will be Honoured to Come Tomorrow to Respond to Geoff’s Question

SPIRIT: Josephus
DATE: March 18, 2024
LOCATION:  Sydney, Australia

I am Josephus. Yes, we are quite willing to answer questions provided the questioner is sincere and truly wants to hear what we have to say. Your dear brother and sister are sincere in their pursuits. We will answer in accordance to their questions and in accordance with the truth. They will receive answers that are considered, loving and in harmony. We have been preparing this instrument for such answers and he has received information and impressions as we continue in our preparations.

Beloved souls, God wishes for all His children to know the truth. Indeed, many of His children are wayward in this and need to be awakened to the truth and come to know, feel and understand the truth. As we have spoken, the mind is very generous in its interpretations and imagination. It is the soul that truly understands and is focused upon the truth, feels the truth and knows the truth, rather than takes in the truth with intellectual and word-filled ideas. When we are speaking to you, do you not go to that place of soul, often missing the words, but feeling the condition of love and the condition of truthfulness as the words are spoken?

It does not truly matter that you have heard every word and taken it into your mind. For your soul does hear every word and does come to understand what is being conveyed, although it is not through mental and intellectual ways and passages. It is done differently and we speak soul to soul. This instrument’s soul resonates with our soul and what is being given is a flow of truth that is from the soul. These words are merely a dim reflection of that. Indeed, in order to capture your attention, we use these words. We bring concepts forth in mindful ways as well as soulful ways.

It is the resonance of both that brings the individual closer to truth. Though your capacity to understand truth, to truly be in alignment with truth, is somewhat narrow and restricted, it grows and widens with each day as you grow in the Love of God, as your soul continues to awaken. Your soul will awaken and awaken until there is a powerful capacity to understand truth in the way that God gives it, in the way that is in alignment with God’s great Soul and your beautiful soul.

We will continue to teach, to share and to be together in this beautiful and harmonious condition of love as you share, pray and are together in such harmony, such light and such love. I am Josephus and yes, I will return and speak to the dear souls who have asked with sincerity and earnestness to know the truth. I shall speak the truth as clearly and purely as I can through this instrument and give it in such a way that you may all understand and may all resonate with the words, the feelings and the love generated.

God bless you, my friends. My love is with you. I am so happy that you have asked of me and that I have indeed come to be with you. God bless you in His Love, in the Truth of His Love. It is a presence of truth. It cannot be described by merely intellectual ways and understandings that are part science and part conjecture. 

The truth is not of a dimension. The truth is in itself truth and exists in a palpable and powerful way no matter whether you are on the Earth plane, or in the Celestial Heavens, the resonance of truth is truth. It is not obscured by dimensional forces, concepts and ideas that are born of the mind and not the soul. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.