Spirit: Keea Atta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 24, 2023
Location: Sechelt, B.C.
We have joy. We have joy because you have come together in loving harmony. We have joy because we see the increased dedication that you all have toward this beautiful truth. We have joy because we can come and be with you in prayer and you know of our presence, and you feel the Love of God binding us together. I am Keea Atta Kem and I come to acknowledge each one of you, joyfully so, in your efforts and prayers to bring greater light to the world.
Yes you have made a difference, beloved souls. You have shifted the consciousness of humanity one more notch toward greater light because of your prayerful dedications, because of your presence together. We have worked together to bring the glory and light of God’s Presence into the world more fully.
My beloved friends, there is much work to do as you well know. There is much more joy to be had in your efforts. As you continue to come together in Circles of Light, know that each time you come further along the ladder of light together helping one another. You are one another’s gatekeepers. You are one another’s helpers. You are one another’s friends upon this journey. Be sure of this, beloved souls. Be sure of the joy within your soul, the sure knowledge of the truth that is ignited there in love.
For how beautiful you are. How beautiful you are to God, and how you will continue to make this journey together in loving servitude to our Heavenly Father, to one another, to your brothers and sisters. This is what will sustain the truth, my beloved friends. It is your dedication and prayer. It is your desire to serve and to be lights in the world. As you continue to grow in this, you will bring along others who will join you, pray with you and be with you in this light.
My beloved friends, so much is given, shall be given, and will unfold. Yes, your prayers for miracles, manifestations and blessings will be realised, my beloved friends. In joy, we acknowledge one another. In joy, we are friends along the road of truth. In joy, we truly understand the power of love that will change everything. For it is God’s Will, God’s blessings and God’s plan that all these things will come about.
I know that to you upon the earthly plane, this seems to take a very long time. In truth, if you consider the journey and history of humanity, this is but a blink of an eye. Within that blink the miracles will happen, the blessings will be given and the light shall proliferate. The darkness shall fall away. This is and will be God’s blessing upon you and God’s plan for you. The Love that He has will continue to grow and awaken each of you in deeper truth and light.
God bless you, my beloved friends. We are in joy together. We are in love together. It shall be forever. Forever and ever the joy shall increase, the love shall increase, the light shall increase and the truth shall increase in the journey that God has for all of us toward at-onement with His great Soul.
God bless you, my friends. I love you so dearly. The joy I have for each one of you, seeing as the light increases, as you grow in love, as you come to acknowledge the truth more fully, so I feel such joy for you, for all of us. For we have gained more potential angels to enter into the Celestial Kingdom. You shall be there in time. In time, my beloveds, we shall be joined together in embrace, in love, in all that is good and wondrous in the Kingdom of God. We shall be there together forever. God bless you. I am Keea Atta Kem and I love you. God bless you, beloved souls.