Spirit: Orion
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 29, 2023
Location: Sechelt, B.C.
Greetings and blessings to you, my friends, I am Orion. A great difference between us who live so far away from you and yourselves is that of your consciousness or minds that are delineated and fractured between three different centers of awareness. We, of course, are desiring for you to develop your soul consciousness or soul mind.
Unfortunately, much of your consciousness resides in your material mind and some of your consciousness resides in your spirit mind. But little of your consciousness resides within your soul mind. When I refer to consciousness, I am referring to that which you are aware of and interacting with, the avenues of consciousness that are active in your daily life. Indeed your soul consciousness is active and alive because you have received the Essence of God’s Soul but whether that consciousness reaches your level of awareness in the world is determined by your efforts to allow this consciousness to be active within you, within your overall activities and interaction in the world.
From the beginning of your life you have been taught and you gravitate toward mindful consciousness. This is the way of your world. Our world is very different because, from the beginning, our consciousness arises from the soul and stays with the soul. In the beginning of your life, your consciousness of the soul comes forth but is repressed and taught to be irrelevant in your daily life. Thus, the child learns discipline, the capacity to control their emotions and to be in that shadowy place where mind is prevalent. You have a great challenge, as you well know, to undo that which binds you to a certain way of being. Indeed, each of you have made efforts to do so and you have, through those efforts, often discovered an unrestricted consciousness of the spirit mind. And many of you in your world believe that this is your soul. But it is not. It is just one more step toward soul consciousness.
When you have psychic perceptions and you see things from the perspective of spirit and you are aware of spirit around you and may know them, hear them, feel them, all of these things come from the consciousness of the spirit mind. It is an important consciousness upon this journey of true spiritual awakening and I do not mean to discount it in any way. Yet indeed, at your stage of progression, it is easy to confuse the consciousness of soul with the consciousness of spirit. Thus, you often believe that you are truly receiving information and experiences from the soul where in most cases, it is a reflection of soul through the spirit mind which is often interpreted through the material mind. So the level of distortion is great. Soul is still active and you desire the consciousness and information and experiences of the soul to enter into your everyday consciousness. Your soul makes great effort to do so but it must enter through the various filters of your three levels of consciousness in order to come to the fore.
This is why it is difficult to communicate through a medium. For the source of our consciousness comes through the soul which is communicated through the soul of the medium, the instrument, which then goes through the filtering of the spirit mind and the material mind. Thus, what you receive regarding our communications is somewhat distorted. This individual, this medium, is of a high quality and standard of communication. Yet still, his communications are somewhat imperfect because of this form of communication. He continues to grow within his soul and his soul is bright and beautiful, powerful. His spirit mind is slowly being absorbed by the mind of the soul. As this happens, the material mind, in turn, must fail into place.
So, it is with all of you, my beloved friends. The process is very gradual and subtle and yet it is happening with all of you. Yet our desire is that this process is quickened and happens effectively. We had much work to do when you were together with us in your latest Circle of Light. Yet the process is not complete only, in many ways, just begun. Indeed, your soul mind and spirit mind have been altered because of this experience together. We will continue to work with you in order to complete this alteration, the transformation that must take place as your two minds migrate together. It is not as difficult to accomplish as it will be, and is, to bring in your material mind into the process. But we will accomplish this, my beloved friends, provided you are willing and you are diligent. For this is the difficult stage. This is the great challenge. You have learned to pray for and receive the great gift of God’s Love and you have learned this well and it is not difficult for you to receive this gift. But to integrate the minds of consciousness is far more difficult in your world.
If you had shed your material body and lived in the spirit world and in a higher plane then, this would be an easy task. Because of your current conditions and focus of consciousness and what you must do daily in order to achieve what you set out to achieve in a day, you are often contrary to this process of transformation. You continue to reinforce the material mind, over and over again, to place your consciousness there. In a way, you have more faith in your material mind than your soul mind. You trust it. You use it daily. You reinforce it constantly. Yet you wish to be that agent of change in the world, that example of truth in the world, that individual who walks the road of light and truth. In many ways you are that individual.
Yet, in some important ways you contradict your desires. You wish to have it both ways, to have your mind fully activated in the material sense and, have your soul fully activated in its own way. I believe that you think that you can walk in the world with both of these consciousnesses together without any trepidation or confusion. I say to you, my friends, this is a very tenuous path to take. For one often contradicts the other, thereby, setting up much conflict.
What is important is for you to choose. Indeed, you have chosen the Divine Path, the awakening of the soul, the consciousness of the soul. We are here to help you to make that migration to soul consciousness as easy as possible. Yet, you resist. It is not as though you do so consciously, it is merely a reflex response to all the patternings that have been established within your mind. So, you find yourself venturing forth, timidly into soul consciousness, finding this consciousness at times, often unexpectedly. Then, you retreat back to the safety of your old ways and patterns.
My beloved friends, those who wish to venture further must be brave and must be conscious of that which holds them back from this place of soul awareness. How may you teach this if you cannot live by it? How may you be a true and pure example of the way of God’s Love if you are in conflict and contradiction? You are human still, my beloved friends. From our perspective, this contradiction is expected and we do not judge you for it.
We continue, as I’m doing now, to encourage you toward the direction of the soul and to walk with you upon that path that you must tread, not lightly but firmly, not in the way of a casual experience or expectation, but one that is dedicated and focussed. The contradiction is in your minds, the focus is from the mind. In our perspective, the focus is always from the soul and thus you must cultivate your soul with much prayer, empowering it with the Divine love flowing in powerful ways and amounts in order that you may overcome your reticence, your fears, your mistrust of soul consciousness. You will find your way, beloved souls. Along the way you will encounter each and every obstacle that stands before you, and this you must pray away. You must bypass with faith and you must let these things go.
Fear not the future. Fear not the transformation. Fear not encountering your true self. Instead with great jubilation and expectation and desire, seek out that place that is of your true self. Seek out the harmony that exists there. Seek out the truth that shall be given there. Your mind will not be lost. Your mind will come to realise that it is only an adjunct to the soul mind, just as the spirit mind is. You will find yourself quite comfortable and at ease in this consciousness of soul and it will bring to you many, many blessings, surprises, encounters with God, encounters where you may acknowledge your true self and what lies within that self, which is a whole treasure trove of gifts and faculties and latitudes of consciousness that are multi-dimensional. These things come as a reward for great effort, consistent and powerful effort toward shifting your consciousness beyond that of the human condition and mind to that of the Divine. May you find your way, beloved souls. know your place in the firmament of God’s creation and truly revel in this knowledge and existence. I am your friend Orion and I love you so. I look forward to meeting you there in that wondrous place where we may both dance for joy in this acknowledgement of God. God bless you, my beloved friends. God bless you. Orion loves you. God bless you.