Reminds Directors to Work Together in the Gentle Harmony of God’s Will

SPIRIT: Augustine
DATE: August 26, 2024
LOCATION: Sechelt, B.C.

The hurried nature of your expectations in business is not always the way we angels conduct ourselves, my brethren. I am your teacher, Augustine. It is important to realise that you are building a foundation that is to last. Brick by brick you must consistently and patiently build. There is no need for hurry, there is a need for precision at times, a need to bring truth to the fore, a need to be loving and gracious.

We ask you not to consider yourselves as an agent that requires swift action and application. I know in your world and in your society this is the case. There is much to be done and it must be done quickly and efficiently. Yet, does God work in this way? Are your souls so eager in this way? No, it is the mind that is so insistent. It is the mind that considers things without due course and consideration. Be at peace, my beloved students, and know that you are on the right track. 

I do not mean to criticise you. I only mean to remind you that there is a plan, and that plan is a Divine plan. Not a plan that each of you will concoct and work together to apply. Though this is the way of your world, it is not the way of God. The way of God is the unfolding of various events, connections and loving application of truth to the point where greater light is created and beautiful outcomes are accomplished in the flow of love, in the flow of love. This is the important factor, not the hurriedness of action, but the flow of love and harmony with God’s Will. 

Do not underestimate the power of love, the expression of love that is truly God’s Will and God’s laws in action. Consider this in everything you do, beloved students. Consider how you do things and how you are in the world. For when love is present and love flows unimpeded, then there is harmony. Where harmony is present, then light comes to the fore. When light comes to the fore, then you know you are doing God’s Will and expressing the truth. My beloved and beautiful students, continue with your efforts, but do so carefully and considerately so that all may flow in harmony, peace and with the power of love guiding your way.

May you be blessed, my beloved and beautiful students on the Path of Divine Love, and know your way upon that path. Bring everything to prayer. Bring your actions and your efforts to prayer and be at peace, beloved students, be at peace. We are with you, we will guide you. God’s Hand rests upon you and your soul knows the truth and knows the way to go that is in harmony with God’s plan. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine, and my love is with you and my appreciation for your efforts. The plan will unfold in harmony and be effective and powerful in its outcomes. May you walk along that path, seeking those outcomes, seeking harmony. God bless you, God bless you all.