SPIRIT: Augustine, Jesus
DATE: May 5, 2024
…to you, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. Yes, it is good that you come together in this way. That, indeed, the inventions of man can be used for good. Inventions that have brought this possibility forward has been a great blessing to you and to us. Know that although you are each in your homes praying together in this collective way, that you have an angel by your side. That in this, you are also connected by the Lattice of Light and that you are one body in prayer. One body seeking the blessings of God, opening yourself up to the inflowing of the Divine Essence to help nourish your soul and transform it into what it has been meant to be, a beautiful light filled with gifts resplendent in its beauty and form, an expression of God’s creation.
We are happy to speak to you, beloved souls. We come from far away. A land, a place that is so very different from yours. For it is a high expression of the soul’s intention and God’s blessings combined to make something that is indescribable to you on Earth. We come to be with you, to uphold you and support you, leaving this wondrous place of light to the disparate conditions of the Earth. We do so out of love. We do so because God makes it possible to come and be with you, to come with our light shared with your light in prayer. We come because God has great compassion for all His children and we do as well. Our compassion for you is great. We know your struggles. We know each one of you. The perceptions of our souls redeemed in God’s Love make it possible for us to see you, fully and deeply.
In this, we wish for you to have compassion for one another, for those who are lost within the darkness of the earthly plane and the darkness of the spirit worlds. Have compassion, for it is love and compassion that unites humanity in light. It is love that brings healing and peace. It is the Divine Love that empowers your soul and ours to come together in this way, the laws working in our favour. I wish for you to know the power of love to bring light and healing to the world. That as you grow in this Love, as your light expands in this Love, that you may be a channel for God, a being of light in the world, a world so desperately in need of light.
Set forth in the world each day with a prayer on your lips. “Father, use me as your channel of love, as your instrument to peace. Guide me forward so that I might do your bidding.” With this prayer, then you will be used in many ways, in many different circumstances. Often, you will be surprised at the circumstances you find yourself in, those things unanticipated. Yet, God guides you forward and you become His instrument, answering the prayers and needs of others. As you do so, then you are blessed. As we do our work, we are blessed. For, indeed, God ensures that all are blessed when one is within the flow of God’s Will, when one is truly an instrument for peace, for truth, for love.
Set forth upon your daily journeys with this in mind, that this becomes a priority in your life. That you may, indeed, find the ways and means, blessed and guided by God in order to do this work. To bring the truth to those who are willing to listen. To bring a blessing of comfort for those who are in need, even a material blessing for those who are hungry. Love to all, my beloveds. Love to all. In this, you will know joy. A joy that does not come from stimulating the mental faculties and the desires of the flesh. Rather, a joy that comes with the heart and soul feeling a sense of fulfilment and knowing that you are truly doing the bidding of God. In this comes great joy, great wisdom and many visions and guided inspirations that will fill your days. Not with the material distractions of your world, but with the spiritual blessings of God. Seek out these blessings, my beloved friends, students of truth, and you will find that the words that I speak to you today will come to truth and be expressed in your lives as truth.
May you be blessed by the great Hand of God, His Holy Spirit touching your soul, opening you to the Essence that shall remain with you for eternity, this great gift that is given and shall be given without limit, without end. God bless you, beloveds. I am your teacher, Augustine. I am happy to be with you today in prayer and to seek out God’s blessings together. My love is with you. Know that I am with you often to help uphold, to help inspire, to teach, to love. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.
I come beloveds, my beautiful brethren on Earth. I come to let you know that I, too, am with you often. For the Law of Attraction ensures that when you pray for the gift of God’s Love, you attract the angels into your midst. When you seek for the highest blessing of God, you bring the highest of the angels into your midst. In accordance with the intensity of your prayers and desires, so you draw us close. At times I know you feel our presence. At times, you do not. But know that as you pray, as you put this effort forward to be with God and commune with God, then we are with you, beloveds. We are with you. You are never alone, never. For God ensures that you are protected and blessed in light, and that as you continue upon the road of Divine Love, so you will know these blessings in greater increments as you grow in love. I am with you and I shall never leave. We are truly brethren upon a path of eternal love and growth, expansion, at-onement with God.
God bless you. I am your brother and friend. I am Jesus and I come to be with you in prayer, to be with all of you in prayer. God bless you. My love is with you always, beloveds, beloveds of God. God bless you.