Spirit: Orion
Medium: Al Fike
Date: August 27, 2024
Location: Sechelt, B.C.

Greetings to you, my fellow travellers upon the path toward Divine Revelations and Love. I am Orion and I come once again to speak to you all, my beloved friends. I want to speak about the choices that one makes with each moment of each day, what you like to engage in with your minds and your souls. 

Often the material conditions around you and demands upon you inform your choices of thought and action. Yet, when you are engaged in dealing with the daily demands, are you 100% engaged within your mind and often within the intellect or is it a combination of spiritual soulful engagement and that of the mind? I’m sure each moment will define this and indicate your focus. I say to you, it is important to add the spiritual into the material at any given moment, to add the consciousness of soul into the consciousness of mind, to experiment with this and to observe your own reality, that which you create with every breath. You are a combination of material and spiritual, of soulful and mindful, it is necessary to be aware of how you choose to be engaged in this way. How are you with the mind and with the soul? 

Many of you see the world as the dichotomy that you must deal with. When you are engaged in the material world, you must use your material capacities and faculties. When you are praying with God, you use your spiritual faculties and try to dampen down  material demands and thoughts. This is a rather limited view. It is important that both are engaged at all times. When there is a need for spiritual focus, then that would be the predominant way in which you will view your momentary experience and expression. When it comes time to deal with a material concern then, of course, the material mind must rise up to engage with it. Would it not be a great blessing if you could control and, at will, bring forth these states of mind and perception so that you are in control rather than life being in control. That you are able to balance out these two conditions and perspectives in such a way that you do not lose your connection to the Creator nor are your efforts to be in connection with the Creator lost by the shift of focus toward the material. Rather, you are with God at all moments, at all times. As you are with God, you may engage in the material in such a way that it is in harmony with the laws of love, the laws of your own creation.

Though it is not truly the way it is where I live, it is more in alignment with how we live on our planet. The material does not engage us as it does here. The material is always experienced  with the spirit and soul consciousness that we possess in such a way that it is not inhibiting or dampening our harmony, our light and our joy. We would be very interested in assisting you to come that place. For in that place you may live your life in such a way that all would be joyful, harmonious and of light. 

That may feel a long way away to you and it will be sometime to come before humanity is able to engage in life in this way. Yet, that is the goal and that is certainly God’s plan for each and every soul upon this world to be in that state of harmony, of light, of bliss and engage in the material world so that there is continued light, harmony and bliss. God wants all souls to live in this way, and there are many on many planets who do. Unfortunately, upon yours it is a very different story. We will continue to teach you, guide you, inspire you, to help you along this journey, this journey of discovering soul and the power and beauty of the soul, the capacity of the soul to engage even in the material world in such a way that it is done with wisdom, harmony and joy.

There will come a time, and hopefully it will be within your lifetime on this Earth plane, where you will be able to fully engage with the soul at all times. The material will find its quadrant, its place within your consciousness so that you are not distracted and waylaid by the demands of the material. Whether all comes into harmony and peace as   has been said, “Seek the love of God and all things must fall into place. Even the material shall follow.” I want you to aspire toward these things, to that which is of God, and that which is your own true self and that your own true self may be predominant always and expressed in such a way that the mind is not so dominant and we have spoken of this often. We continue to remind you and to inspire you forward as you grow with the great light that builds within you, the gift that God is giving you with each prayer, with each desire to awaken in love. Then, the material becomes less demanding and less important and the spiritual brings you forward in your consciousness. All that is of the spiritual becomes enlivened and awakened with the great love, the Essence of God.

Yes, we continue on this journey toward God, you and I and all who know that it is the only journey worth taking, the only journey that will bring you to that place of fulfillment of awakening and Love Divine. It comes drop by drop, day by day as you find your way upon the path. You find your friends are with you. We are with you. Your angel friends are with you. Bright spirits are with you. All accompany you upon this path. For it is a path to be shared, a path that is yours in terms of what you choose and how you walk upon it. You are not alone. You are with many and with your cohorts upon this world. God ensures that you are not alone. God wishes for all of humanity to join together on this journey toward truth, toward awakening their own true selves. You go hand in hand, joining arms together as you walk forward knowing that you are loved. You are cared for and that you have your friends with you. God ensures all of these things. God will always ensure that you will be in the light and that many will join you. 

May we continue on this road, my beloved friends, the road that is eternal, the road that is deep and wide, filled with many, many experiences and blessings for you to grow within, for you to expand in love, wisdom and joy. We continue, my friends, together. I am Orion and I am with you, oh so very much. I am with you in love. Blessings to you. Blessings to all of you.