Spirit: Orion
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 20, 2024
Location: Sechelt, B.C.
Blessings to you, my friends. I come once again to speak to you. Indeed, it has been made very clear to you the challenges and troubles that you have to reach soul consciousness and yet, soul consciousness iswithin the core, the very essence of your being. Yet, because your world has polluted and diverted this consciousness to something other than soul, you experience the challenges that come with this condition.
Prayer is your lifeline. It is the way in which you might focus, focusing your attentions, focusing your consciousness on the desires of your soul seeking to reach the Creator of all. When you allow this focus to flower forth in all its intensity and desire, then you do much to clear away the debris that keeps you from knowing God and knowing your true self. When a prayer is spoken with sincerity and deep desire, it clears the passageway between what is your usual consciousness to that which is soul consciousness. As that prayer strikes home with the Creator, then certain laws are ignited that open the doorway to the blessings, the Essence of God pouring forth, as the desires of your soul meet that Essence. Thus, with this clear connection, the fulfillment of your desires and God’s desire to be in alignment, then the great blessing, the highest blessing of all the universe is given and the soul is awakened a little further along its path of becoming alive and true to itself and its destiny.
We come together and begin with prayer. As you pray you also attract your Celestial brothers and sisters who come to add their prayers to yours, and the bright spirits and we who are with you from stellar places. We all pray with you. For this mechanism is the way, the avenue from which you may reach God.
Unfortunately, the idea of prayer has been subverted over the many years of religious thought so that it may turn into a mindful exercise or something of rote. In this way, the consciousness is diverted into the mind once again and the possibility of true soul connection and awareness, the flowering of soul consciousness may happen to a degree because these prayers are sincere despite being of the mind. Though it does not allow a chance for soul consciousness to become a true and clear experience within your time with God.
You have found a way to circumvent these conditions. You have found the simple prayer that brings the blessing of God into your soul. In this way, you empower your soul even to greater heights and possibilities of awareness. Consciousness shifts from mind to soul, from soul to God and back again. It is important that you remind yourself of this truth and this possibility, to not get caught up in mindful concerns and in diversions of the mind that may suggest that you are truly in a state of prayer with God and yet, this is not completely the case. It is important to discipline yourself to the point where you may circumvent the conditions of the mind and desires of the mind so that the true desires of the soul may come forth without interruption, without diversion, without distraction.
As you train yourself and discipline yourself towards that pure soul expression and prayerful state, you open up the doorways to soul consciousness. It is simple, is it not? Unfortunately in your world, nothing is simple. There are so many conditions and distractions that thwart your efforts. At times you feel like you’ve entered into a dry desert with no moisture, no living waters of God to drink and this is a powerful indication of your state of consciousness. With true prayer, true longing, this cannot be so and often you are receiving this gift but you are still caught up in mindful consciousness and therefore, it is difficult for you to recognize the process that is happening and expressed through prayer. More discipline and less concern for the material is needed. As you continue to practice and practice in prayer, as you continue to go deeper within your consciousness to that place that is the very essence of you, you will find gratification, the awareness, the experience that you seek and you will be fulfilled and joyful in this experience. Not only that but you will receive insights and revelations and sense of truth that will be powerful and extraordinary.
I know I and many others continue to entice you to this place. We speak of it. We pray with you to help you come to that place. Yet, the responsibility rests with you for you have free will. The experience is, in fact, personal. Yet, as we continue to make close rapport, as we continue to pray with you, as we continue to be an example for you, this, too, helps you to clear away the debris, the conditions that keep you from that soulful state, that reverie with God.
Here we are once again, my friends. Ironically, I must entertain your mind with words and descriptions so that this may inspire. It may help you to reach beyond that familiar place of mind and go to that destined place which is your soul awakened, expressive and clearly recognized. The joy of this will motivate you forever. Experience of this will bring you all that you desire and long for. The power of this will transform you and take you on a journey like none other.
May you be blessed, my beloveds in the way of the universe which is transformative love. This is what is taught in every culture, every planet that is receptive to this truth. As simple as it is, it is the most powerful agent, blessing, gift that can be given to those who have a soul and seek to develop that soul towards atonement with the Creator of all. Seek your destinies, beloved souls, and know that every effort, means and way has and is being given so that you may find your way and truly be with God in love, grace, joy and light, truth and wisdom, these things given in love.
Blessings to you my friends. Awaken to your destinies and truly find the joy, knowing and being. My love is with you. My prayers are with you. I am Orion and we are together in this mighty effort to break the barriers and to find atonement. God bless you, my friends. God bless you.