Affirms His Dedication to Our Progression

Spirit: Orion
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 23, 2024
Location: Sechelt, B.C.

I am with you, my friends. I am Orion. We spend much time, all arrayed around you to help develop and prepare you for what is coming and what you must do. Each of you has made this commitment to service though many of you are unaware of the type of service and the gifts that will be utilised by the great Creator of all. Yet, you persist and you have faith in what may be accomplished and what may come through you to those around you. 

The world is in need of you. For there is much darkness and certainly much ignorance about the inner workings of humanity, the spiritual capacities of the children of God. You must rush ahead in your development and the expansion of your souls in the great gift of God’s Love. When you are ahead of the pack, so to speak, then you may teach and demonstrate what it is that is so lacking in this world. Your world needs change and it is changing. Your world needs to be transformed and with Divine influence and blessings, it is being transformed. Thus, we are all gathered here to help you to understand this and to experience this for yourself. For how else can you teach but to be truly immersed in all that is of the spiritual and the soulful understanding that may come with truth?

Humanity has gifted itself with many inventions and ways and means of making life easier and bringing the abundance of Earth to each individual. Many, many of you upon the Earth are striving towards this abundance and the security of comfort and conditions that humanity has created for itself. Yet, does this solve the great dilemma of sustaining the Earth and sustaining humanity? It does not. It merely prolongs the suffering, the imbalance and the difficulties that come with this ingenuity and creativity of man. Why is this? Because humanity has a great imbalance in its being. Only half of the capacities of humanity are expressed and realised on this physical Earth. Yet, when you were created, when you entered this Earth, it was intended that you will know all of yourself. That in knowing all of yourself, including your soul, you will find the balance that is necessary. You will glean the wisdom that is required and creativity will not be lost. Mental faculties will not be lost. Rather, these things will be integrated into human consciousness in such a way that wisdom is used when applying knowledge and that love is expressed when societies and cultures are functioning to uplift and to help promote human harmony and development.

So you must focus on that other half, that spiritual side. For in order to teach this, rather than being an imbalance in all of you, it must be a focus. It must be a powerful element within you. For humanity needs the intense understanding and expression that will come from you in this way. In time, balance will be achieved. In time, this world will know peace and harmony. It is for you, brave souls, to counteract the ignorance, the darkness, the imbalance. It takes a great deal of focus and development in awakening your soul and all the faculties therein and expressing and practising the expression of love to be truly that individual that is in alignment with the Creator, and in alignment with the laws of the Creator and the Laws of Love.

You receive great upliftment and support and love from us and many others. This will continue until you are steady on your feet and wish to venture forward in whatever way God has planned for you. In the ways and expressions that are meant to be in your life, a purposeful life, a life that seeks service and to love greatly. My beloved and beautiful friends, there is much work ahead and we appreciate your consistency and persistence in this effort to be on that higher plane of awareness, of knowledge, of love where the soul reigns supreme and the mind is integrated therein. It is a challenging invitation, as you well know. For this world does not encourage such things. This world scoffs at those who are not of the mindful disposition,who are not competitive and bullying and pushing their way through. Unfortunately, these conditions are predominant. Yet, love is there, expressed within the vast majority of humanity. This love, as you know is called the natural love and it is in societies and conditions that are more peaceful than others, expressed in a fullness that is beautiful to behold. It will not bring the insights, the soulful awareness and development of which I speak. It is the other Love, the Love of God, the powerful, transformative Love that will awaken your soul and bring forth the gifts and abilities within the soul.

You will find your way as you have done into that place and it will be a place that you will frequent often until there comes a time when the soul is predominant and the material mind is integrated within it. This is our goal, beloved souls. We continue to refresh your understanding with this and to help you to come to this in true expression, not a reflection of mindful idealism and thoughts of what this means, rather the true expression of the soul that comes only from the soul and your efforts to dive deep within it and to truly understand it. I am with you to help you to do so. 

I speak of these things and I will be with you as you venture forth within your soul and as you venture forth in the world in the effort and expression of the soul to be God’s instruments of love. These things we accompany and support you in, and so we shall, day in and day out, and so we shall. May you be blessed, beloved souls. I am Orion and I love you so. My beautiful friends of the Earth, you are indeed a blessing to your world and a light within it. God bless you.